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Strong and _Diverse_ leading roles.

Traditionally, the only lead roles afforded to Asian males are either 1) nerds or 2) mystical martial artist

Yes, the college student is the real dick here...

As others have mentioned, the security issue the student highlighted was a known issue.

I think going through official channels is the right thing to do for mission critical zero day type of vulnerabilities.

Bringing increased attention to a known, unfixed, issue, doesn't seem like a jerk move to me.

What is the real harm of not rescinding this guy's internship? Seems punitive and petty. It's not like anyone actually believes that FB cares about privacy. Whatever reputation or brand damage there was done a long time ago by FB's repeated violations of user privacy, which is just the natural state of things given their advertising-based business model.

FB could have turned this around and scored a marketing coup: "look we're hiring the hacker who exposed a security flaw, he'll be patching up the hole he found this summer - because at FB we're committed to user privacy and saving baby harp seals!"

But then again, is this really a big surprise? Just another data point in the growing contradiction between what SV is and what SV wants to be.

> It's not like anyone actually believes that FB cares about privacy.

Almost everyone knows that Facebook the company is hostile to user privacy.

But most people hope that individual Facebook employees have limited strictly audited access to user data.

> But most people hope that individual Facebook employees have limited strictly audited access to user data.

Any reason to think this is at all the case?

I recall Google getting into trouble over this in the past [1]. I can definitely see data scientists and other employees at FB taking a peek... if anything just finding out who looked at your profile/photos/etc would be pretty tempting.

At this point, FB is just too valuable as a source of intel. I just assume that the US Govt (and others) has direct and easy access. Use at your own risk.

1. http://www.businessinsider.com/google-engineer-stalked-teens...

>We read stories in the press all the time about authors and "dissidents" being locked up, censorship of the Internet, etc etc. Are you saying none of that is true?

It is true, though not to the extremes I think you believe. I would guess that you're getting downvoted because you go from that to "Anything that is published in China, by definition is representative of the opinions of the Party." which is just patently not true (there is plenty of criticism of the CCP in both official published mediums - print, media, etc. - and even more so on blogs, weibo, etc.)

Lastly, your statement can also be applied to many western countries...

>> Can you provide any examples of trained women vs trained men fighting in a martial arts competition?

Here is one example: Lucia Rijker vs Somchai Jaideea


Wiki's description of this fight:

An exhibition match involving a man verses a woman was sanctioned between Lucia Rijker who was then undefeated and Somchai Jaidee who considered a journeyman amongst his division, they both were almost identical in weight apart from the arbitrary weight discrepancy of 1 pound, during the opening minutes of the first bout Rijker proceeded to stand virtually toe-to-toe with Somchai whos strength advantage was already apparent, however Lucy shows impressive speed, Lucy then makes several attempts to kick Somchai to which Lucy bounces of him and loses her balance on multiple occasions due to the lopsided physical superiority of Somchai, Lucy however did not make it to the end of the fight when she attempted to brawl the stronger male Somchai and was knocked completely unconscious, many believed that it served as an example of why a women should not be sanctioned to fight a man(hungdaddy patriarchy), the match was since then dubbed the "cook the man some eggshibition".

With all due respect, but you have no idea what you're talking about. TJ would absolutely murder Ronda.

There's been plenty of discussion about this on Sherdog and /r/mma... and even some historical precedent. I recall seeing a video awhile back of a then female undefeated kickboxing champion vs a journeyman fighter and while the female fighter showed more speed and skill, the physical advantage made the fight extremely lopsided.

Having traveled to Thailand I was pretty shocked at how open(ly exploitive) and shameless the sex trade there is.

I've always wondered why the Thai government and King are okay with condoning the massive sex tourism industry there (the majority of which is built to serve foreigners... which stands in contrast to the sex industries in other Asian countries). Don't they know that in the western world, Thais are at the butt of all the stereotypical sucky-sucky-me-so-horny jokes?

I find it unbelievably demeaning culturally... and it seems so contradictory to the otherwise prideful Thai culture...

Any local Thais care to comment?

Thailand's sex industry is indeed massive, but the vast majority of it caters to Thais; the bits that target Westerners -- a few dozen gogo bars in a country of 67 million -- just happen to have a much higher profile. Essentially all the women working in it are there of their own free will, if almost always because of economic hardship. (Typical scenario: Poor rural girl gets pregnant, boy disappears/dies in traffic accident. Girl can't support child and herself with farm labor or factory work, so she leaves the kid with grandparents and goes off to Pattaya.)

And oh: the "me so horny" line comes from Full Metal Jacket, a Vietnam war movie.

I think comparatively, Thai's sex industry is way more foreign-friendly than any of the other asian countries (with maybe the exception of Phillipines).

And yes, I do know the genesis of the "me so horny" line, but my point still stands. Thailand, especially the seedier aspects, is synonymous with "sex tourism" in the west.

Compare the image of Thailand's sex industry with say that of Amsterdam's red light district...

You are massively overstating the case. While I'm vaguely aware from various news stories that sex tourism does exist in Thailand, it's hardly the first thing that comes to mind. Food and diving have 40X and 13X and more google hits, respectively, and sex tourism doesn't show up on the list of google typehead choices even if you push it to "thailand se".

You are right of course - people have different perceptions; for me, diving is definitely the thing that comes to my mind from Thailand, even if I have never done any scuba diving myself. The next things are beaches, food and the tsunami.

But regarding what Google typeahead suggests to you, it depends on your location and perhaps your own search history. For me the options with "Thailand se" are september, seasons, sevärdheter ("sights" in Swedish). So if someone sees proposals with "Thailand sex", it could be because he or she has been doing previous searches for Thai sex tourism.


Yes, obviously profit is a prime motivator.

The question I'm posing is if the profit is worth the image-hit the greater Thai culture/brand is taking.

It's certainly possible to have both, there are other countries that have legalized the sex industry without tarnishing the greater cultural brand. See Netherlands, Germany, etc. The sex trade in these countries also seems more heavily regulated... for example you never hear about child molestors flocking to Amsterdam.... (I can buy why this is the case in Cambodia, etc. but Thai is a relatively developed and modernized country...)

Thailand's sex industry is also distinct in that it heavily markets itself to foreign sex tourism. This is in contrast to other Asian countries where the sex trade is basically locals-only (see Korea, Japan, etc.).

I'm surprised I had to clarify my post for you. Perhaps english and common sense are not native to you. :P

More than 90% of the sex industry in thailand is the Thai market.

> I'm surprised that even though you managed to venture out of your bubble, you still remain woefully (perhaps willfully) ignorant on how the real world works.

Personal attacks are not allowed on Hacker News.

It's also worth remembering that quality of service depends on a host of variables, including departure/arrival cities (major hubs are better than regional airports), routes, and times (morning flights tend to be less delayed, Thursday afternoon flying always a bit of a shitshow), etc.

I fly out of UA hubs frequently and have had nothing but excellent service from them this year (over 50 segments flown this year, ~60K miles).

Definitely helps to have status too...

Personally, I consider SW to the be shittiest of them all. I hate having to fight for a seat...

Lastly, use google.com/flights by far my favorite booking tool now.

>>>In the end Ivy's don't really provide anywhere close to the education required to justify their costs but they do provide some great branding.

You attend an Ivy for the prestige, the social signaling an Ivy degree provides, the unique job opportunities offered, and most importantly the networking.

The real learning at an Ivy is done outside the classroom... being exposed to people and social classes you wouldn't have otherwise, learning the social cues of the 1%, how life "really works", etc.

For the real elites, this process actually starts much earlier than Hahhhhvahhd. You should see what life is like at the old blue blood independent K-12s...

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