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I've been following this game's development for several months now, and it is truly a labour of love. It was released last weekend after 7+ years of development (a quarter of the developer's life) and it is INCREDIBLE. I've always enjoyed bug fixing and the way that he has taken that process and turned it into gameplay is fantastic. It is also stunningly beautiful, mixing pixel art with modern graphics in a wonderful way.

Utterly unique.

Oops! No idea what happened there... Was meant to link to this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWGaj6E08ks) but have resubmitted now (I can't see how to delete a submission?)

As far as I know you can't. You may be able to change the title? If it is important reach out to dang at hn@ycombinator.com

I work in a fully remote team and our daily standups are one of the highlights of the day as we get some actual "face to face" time rather than just the usual Slack chat. I think it's probably a bit reductionist to use a headline like "Standups are pointless" rather than just "I've personally not found them helpful".

Personally, this has not been my experience of the Firebase team actually - for me they have always gone out of their way to help find solutions and give all kinds of advice.

Good work Jonny :-) I'm proud of you!

Hubbub.co.uk | London (Old Street) | Full-Time Onsite

Hubbub.co.uk lets people do their online grocery shopping with London's best small food shops, providing an aggregated basket from amazing butchers, fishmongers, greengrocers, coffee roasters and more.

We're looking for a full-stack developer who is comfortable running a Ruby on Rails system deployed on AWS (ELB, EC2 etc) as a key part of a passionate but small team.

We can offer amazing food (including a year's supply of free bacon!), bundles of charm and a huge variety of challenges (customer site, shop packing tools, driver apps, route planning systems, to name but a few).

For instructions on how to apply, go to https://www.hubbub.co.uk/developer-applications

Hubbub.co.uk | London | Full stack developer | Full time, on site or remote

Hubbub.co.uk lets you shop online with local independent shops - the best butchers, fishmongers, greengrocers, cheesemongers - all with the convenience of a supermarket such as one-hour delivery slots.

We're looking for somebody who enjoys doing a bit of everything to take over responsibility for our tech platform (largely Ruby on Rails deployed on AWS) with potential for hiring a few more devs down the line.

For instructions on how to apply go to http://developers.hubbub.co.uk

I love your initial application process. Just technical enough to weed out people who aren't really interested / don't have ability. But quick and easy enough that it won't put too many people off applying.

Is this position still available? I'm getting a 503 when posting to that URL.


Hubbub.co.uk | London | full-time

Hubbub.co.uk is a delivery service on a mission to save the high street. We use our custom-built tech platform plus plenty of elbow grease and charm to help brilliant local independent shops compete with the supermarkets by letting consumers shop online and doing an aggregated basket.

The co-CEO is William Reeve, one of the co-founders of LOVEFiLM, and we're backed by all sorts of experienced investors including Octopus Ventures.

You can see our Senior Developer role at https://www.hubbub.co.uk/about_us/jobs/senior-developer-core... but we are also hiring at all levels.

Hubbub.co.uk | Backend developer | London, UK (ONSITE)

Hubbub lets people do their online grocery shopping with small independent shops with all the convenience of the supermarket. You can get amazing meat from the best London butchers alongside fish fresh from Billingsgate that morning, veg from your greengrocer and freshly baked bread from places like E5 Bakehouse.

We're growing our team and looking to hire another backend developer. Apply at http://developers.hubbub.co.uk/

Hubbub.co.uk - London, on site

Front-end and backend developers in a super foodie environment. Particularly looking for a front end dev who really understands client side performance.


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