Nix does everything I want, but I find it hard to convince friends and coworkers to try out Nix. I think this is partly due to Nix itself not belonging to the Python's ecosystem, so the barrier is higher than say, "Yeah, Pipenv is just Virtualenv+Pip"
Initially, Brave was set up so a user could add bitcoins to an account and set a monthly spending target. Then Brave would split up that monthly amount and send it to sites based on how much time the user spent at each site. But as far as I can tell, they discontinued that model, and now they also sell ads.
Just to back up your (currently downvoted) comment:
"[Brave] browser blocks ads and website trackers. Currently, the company is developing a feature that allows users to opt in to receiving ads sold by Brave Software in place of the blocked ads. Brave intends to pay content publishers 55% of the replaced ad revenue. Brave Software, ad partners, and browser users would each be allocated 15% of the revenue. Users could donate their revenue share to bloggers and other providers of web content through micropayments. The browser claims to improve online privacy by sharing less data with advertising customers, but will target web ads by analyzing users' anonymized browsing history." -- Wikipedia
I consider this ad-replacement scheme extraordinarily scummy. It sounds like the plan is to use protection racket strategies to get the target publishers to buy in.
I'm on the latest version of the browser, and there's a "Payments" tab in Settings where you can add funds with BTC / ETH / BAT / LTC, set monthly budgets, and see what your percentage is. So I'm not sure where you saw that they discontinued that feature or sell ads.
In the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact [0], the USSR cozied up to the Nazis with a plan for dividing up the countries unfortunate enough to be located in between them. In 1939, the USSR launched an unprovoked war of aggression against Finland.
The question of how Finland should have responded, especially from 1941 on, is a valid topic of discussion, but this discussion must be based on fact, taking into account the context of Soviet aggression and the lack of options available to Finland. Limiting yourself to what was known at the time, what would you have advised Finland to do?
I'm trying to figure out whether node2nix [0] could help avoid package name/version hijacking vulnerabilities. Node2nix can convert a package-lock.json file to something called a Nix expression [1], like this [2], where each dependency has a checksum. The purpose is to make the Nix expression deterministic so that each Nix package is reproducible.
This allows for calling synchronous JS functions from Python but not async JS functions, right? PyExecJS [0] also doesn't work with async JS, but Js2Py [1] might.
I've been seeing quite a few Rx-based libraries coming out, like Cycle.js (as you mentioned) and Yolk, which is "a small library built on top of Virtual DOM and RxJS":
OpenID Connect [0] is "an interoperable authentication protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 family of specifications." Note this is a different protocol from OpenID 2.0.
Yes, OpenID Connect is a protocol that builds on the authentication features developed from previous versions of OpenID, and merges it with the authorization features defined via OAuth.
From the study: "[I]t is possible that migration flows could be a potential mechanism behind this effect. ... However, we do note that we found evidence against a migration explanation in Study 2."
But Study 2 appears to have actually looked at the relationship between GDP per capita (on a country-level basis) and number of international friends per capita (again on a country-level basis). GDP per capita between countries seems like a poor proxy for social class between people within the same society. Even if people in rich countries have fewer international friends than do people in poor countries, does that really indicate my rich neighbor is likely to have fewer international friends than does my poor neighbor?
Edit: looks like zopppo already pointed out this issue before I refreshed.
Any examples of how Nix itself doesn't do what you need? One example I can think of: Nix doesn't support Windows.