This allows for calling synchronous JS functions from Python but not async JS functions, right? PyExecJS [0] also doesn't work with async JS, but Js2Py [1] might.
Nice! I hadn't tested it yet, but I remember trying to run V8 in Python and it was a real mess - I think that even building it was problematic. I might use this project one day. Did you compare your bindings to alternatives?
That's what I took that phrase to mean, but if you look at the example in the read me, it appears to be the other way around. Writing python, defining a method, then wrapping that method in a V8 context and running it from within python.
It's forced humor, and a misapplied un-funny version of mildly funny nerd humor at that. It gives me the same kind of chills that I get from people who wear "I <3 bacon" type t-shirts.
In Spanish we have an expression for the way you feel: "vergüenza ajena", which loosely translates to "feeling the embarrassment someone else should feel for their actions." It's pretty nifty, if not very catchy :P
Silly question. Can I use this to interact with a machine learning model written in python from javascript on react native ? It'd be great if someone could point out the feasibility/limitations
Wouldn't it be more performant and less awkward to compile python to JS? Or is it for importing JS code into your python program? Well, why don't compile JS to Python then?
If JS code expects to be JITed then transpiled in Python would be quite slow. Transpiling Python to JS is difficult and loses access to various ecosystems e.g. scientific Python.
Having the two runtimes coupled seems to be the ideal way to run both languages in the same process.
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