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What, you mean your fruit preferences don't form a total order?

Of course they do, but in this example there's no way to compare cherries to bananas.

Grapefruit is of course the best fruit.

Just vaporized a whole team so the roles can be moved overseas :(

full-timers or contacting?

SF Voters rejected Proposition A in 2022 [1], which would have included funding to upgrade Muni's control systems (among many other projects). We'll eventually have to find the money somewhere else when the system fails.

[1] https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/S-F-voters-narrowly-r...

Google needs much stronger SVP-level product leadership. Directors and VPs should not be fighting for product turf, and major user-facing products, such as an entire default Android app in this case, need to outlast the tenure of any individual VP-level patron.

I get that the upper management is playboy billionaires at this point and have checked out, but at this point it would be B_A_S_I_C management to look at this churn and not thing "why aren't we conserving the codebases" because really this is just branding and reskinning fundamentally.

Brace yourselves. The scale of capital investment coming from Meta, Google, and OpenAI/Microsoft is going to be historically mind-boggling.

Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google), OpenAI (Microsoft)

Microsoft name change incoming?

Ivy league schools need some high performers, in the sense that they mix admits for intelligence, wealth, diversity, athletic ability, and other factors. Clearly, many smart students attend Harvard. But so do donor kids. When you hire a Harvard grad, you can't tell which graduate you are hiring! That's a huge part of the value proposition for the wealthy. Harvard needs to admit enough truly smart students.

Interesting point. Couldn’t this be solved for by Linked In and Google now? Find the candidates’ parents and then you have your answer. ( Of course, your company may choose to hire a legacy candidate for some of the same political benefits the college accepted them. )

The mean goose avatar for the bot is perfect.

That's stolen from "Untitled Goose Game".

> Destroying Israel is different from killing Jews

Israel exists because of the much-repeated global pogroms against Jews. The Mizrahi Jews fled Yemen, Morocco, and other Muslim countries because of antisemitic persecution. Beta Israel fled the Mengistu regime in Ethiopia, which threatened a Jewish genocide. Those Jews had that option because of the existence of Israel, a country located in the ancestral homeland of the Jews.

I sincerely believe that fighting for the destruction of Israel is akin to antisemitism. Because what will happen when the next round of Pogroms and genocides roll around? It's been happening for thousands of years, and as recently as the 70s. Jews need a safe country.

> Jews need a safe country.

Does that justify taking land from others by force, instituting occasional pogroms on those who are displaced? Europe and North America have countries with stable governments that protect people from violence and accept refugees and allow them to purchase land legally without violence.

I'm going to nitpick your comment a bit, but this particular nit drives me crazy.

The term "antisemitic" is well-understood in English to refer to hostility towards Jews. I know the root "-semitic" is in there. Yes, Palestinians are also semitic, but that's not what anyone is trying to communicate when they use the word "antisemitic."

Please don't do it, because it's incredibly trivializing.

Israel is emphatically not a colony, and viewing it through the lens of colonialism will lead you astray.

Jews have a legitimate and ancient claim to indigeneity in the Levant. (In fact, Chanukah is about Jews being persecuted and evicted from their homes in the Levant by the Greeks.)

Jews are obviously not the only ethnic group with a legitimate claim to the land. Turks, Ottomans, Arabs, and Palestinians all lived in the area "historically."

In fact, many Israeli Jews are the opposite of colonizers: millions of Mizrahi Jews fled persecution from Arab countries (especially Yemen and Morocco), to return their ancestral homeland in Israel.

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