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FYI, your resume link is 404'ing.

TestFit | C Software Developer - Procedural Generation | Full-time | Remote (CST +/- 2)

We design buildings in milliseconds. It can be hard to describe in words - I'd encourage you to get a quick glimpse of our neighborhood layout tool at https://testfit.io/release/testfit-3-07-subdivision-configur.... Our real-time automation allows real estate developers and architects to design projects in a fraction of the time required with traditional CAD software packages.

We are hiring a software engineer to join our small team and add more functionality to our procedural generation systems written in C99. If you like solving tough spatial problems using 2D vectors and geometry, managing your own memory, and optimizing algorithms to run in under a millisecond, then we might be the company for you (being prone to ranting about how much RAM Slack uses is also a good sign). At TestFit were are seeking to create a company of people who are capable, humble, and hard-working.

You can apply at https://jobs.lever.co/testfit/62bb6dfe-fd34-41c3-8cf3-5318a0....

I interviewed with TestFit last year and my opinion of this company is extremely high. The team seems great, and the strong focus on realtime performance in an industry that would certainly tolerate less almost brings a tear to my eye.

Highly recommend.

I mostly work on desktop tools, and this was a great presentation on a topic I'm rather unfamiliar with. It was communicated very well. Nice work!

I've actually got my own (partly - the core halfedge stuff is from another C# project).

But it's performance I'm after. I have three options: 1. Burst compilation 2. Offload to the GPU (not sure if this is even a good use case for GPU compute) 3. Find a native library.

(3) is potentially a quick fix but might limit my ability to add functionality. But it also offers the tempting possibility of getting a ton of functionality for "free".

I don't normally comment in threads, but I really empathized with your post.

> Maybe I did actually deserve to be yelled at.

Almost certainly not. Even when someone has done a bad job and it causes frustration, yelling doesn't solve the problem; it typically only makes things worse for all parties.

You have value outside of your job. Believing and remembering that can help make the challenges at work less depressive. That's often lost on a forum like this where technical prowess is highly valued.

> I don't know if I even like software anymore

That's fine. Some people might consider that impeccable timing before an LLM replaces our software jobs anyways. If you've succeeded in software to any degree, you've probably learned how to learn. I bet you can do it again in a different field.

> I'm working on somehow getting a new job

I run a small company - link in profile. We make high performance CAD software in C. Reach out if you're interested or just need someone to talk to.

TestFit | Software Engineer - Procedural Generation | Full-time | Remote (CST +/- 2)

We design buildings in milliseconds. It can be hard to describe in words - I'd encourage you to get a quick glimpse of our neighborhood layout tool at https://testfit.io/release/testfit-3-07-subdivision-configur.... Our real-time automation allows real estate developers and architects to design projects in a fraction of the time required with traditional CAD software packages.

We are hiring a software engineer to join our small team and add more functionality to our procedural generation systems. If you like solving tough spatial problems using 2D vectors and geometry, managing your own memory, and optimizing algorithms to run in under a millisecond, then we might be the company for you (being prone to ranting about how much RAM Slack uses is also a good sign). TestFit takes on old-school stance on software development; our codebase is written entirely in C99. We seek to create a company of people who are capable, humble, and hard-working.

You can apply at https://jobs.lever.co/testfit/62bb6dfe-fd34-41c3-8cf3-5318a0....

TestFit | Software Engineer (multiple roles) | Full-time | Remote (CST +/- 2)

We design buildings in milliseconds. See it in action here: https://testfit.io/.

Our current product is a desktop CAD application that has been on the market for 4 years. We're hiring for several positions right now across many parts of the software stack - desktop, web front-end, back-end services, and engineering management.

The desktop platform is written in C99. If you like managing your own memory, optimizing algorithms to run in under a millisecond, and solving tough spatial problems using 2D vectors and trigonometry, then it might be the product for you. Being prone to ranting about how much RAM Slack uses is also a good sign.

Our new cloud services stack is newly underway in Ruby on Rails and is focused on adding collaborative features to a formerly-offline desktop tool. Join us if you want to get in at the start of a new project and help shape the connected future of our product.

We seek to create a company of people who are humble, hard-working, and capable.

You can email me (CTO) at ryan [at] testfit.io to apply or inquire more about our positions.

My company [0] makes a CAD-like destkop product for architects & real estate developers. It's sold on a subscription, but the product is a native application (runs on C/SDL/OpenGL). Nothing inherently prevents you from mixing that business model and delivery mechanism. Many of our customers (especially architects) are used to installing & running desktop software.

Pros: - You give customers the magical feeling when the app reacts instantly because the front-end doesn't have to wait on a round-trip to the server to execute complex business logic. It actually blows customers' minds to realize how powerful their computers are when you use the hardware well and don't have to wait on the network. - You have a very low infrastructure bill. - The platforms/frameworks/libraries are pretty stable compared to the webdev world. You do less migration work and get to become an expert in something that will be around for a longer time. - It's easy to develop and test locally in a 'production-like' setting. I make sure my hardware reflects my customers' hardware. - You can trace every line of code after main(). It eliminates a lot of complexity and a whole category of service communication bugs (and introduces other categories of bugs :)). - Developers are usually more predisposed to thinking about performance (in my experience).

Cons: - You have to buy & renew code signing certificates, which is a hassle when you're independent or a small company. - You have to build/buy/maintain some form of installation/update system and be prepared to deal with users who refuse to update. - You have to deal with corporate IT departments & their security requirements (we're B2C). - You typically want to customize at least some parts of the UI/UX for Mac/Linux/Windows. - You run into bugs from clients that are hard to debug because "it works on my machine", and you don't have access to theirs.

It's definitely a trade-off. I can understand why most devs/companies don't choose to be on the desktop.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhCm5sh9mr8

TestFit | Software Engineer | Full-time | Remote (CST +/- 2)

We design buildings in milliseconds. See it in action here: https://testfit.io/.

Our current product is a desktop application that has been on the market for 4 years. We're hiring a senior software engineer to add back-end services for enterprise and collaborative features in the short term and to help build new web-based tools in the long term.

Our current back-end is little more than a license management server (PHP / Postgres / Nginx). The tech stack for new development is flexible.

Our engineering team is only 4 people right now, all working on the desktop product. We focus on using boring technologies that allow us to avoid unnecessary complexity and move quickly as a small team. As someone who has spent most of my career outside of the web development world, my hope is to align on technical vision and then get the hell out of your way.

We seek to create a company of people who are humble, hard-working, and capable.

You can email me (CTO) at ryan [at] testfit.io to apply.

TestFit | Software Engineer | Full-time | Remote (+/- 6 hours of Dallas TX - CST time zone)

We design buildings in milliseconds. See it in action here: https://testfit.io/.

If you like managing your own memory, optimizing algorithms to run in under a millisecond, and solving tough spatial problems using 2D vectors and geometry, then we might be the company for you. Being prone to ranting about how much RAM Slack uses is also a good sign.

TestFit takes on old-school stance on software development. We make desktop software in the age of mobile & web. Our codebase is written entirely in C99. We believe in leveraging human intelligence instead of AI.

You can email me (CTO) at ryan [at] testfit.io to apply.

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