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I would be happy to just get the old PWA mode back. Turn a webapp into a window.

Exactly this. I have to use Chrome (or one of its non-Google flavors) to easily create dedicated Desktop apps for websites. I would prefer to use Firefox but they killed this feature long ago.

Glad Firefox is revisiting PWA/WebApps

Anyone know why Firefox killed PWA support?

I think it's addressed in the article:

> As you may know, we built a prototype for desktop PWAs a few years ago, and unfortunately user testing on our solution showed confusion and lack of perceived value. We didn’t release it because we didn’t have an approach that could meet the needs of power users without causing confusion among the broader user base.

it was live for awhile...don't know why they removed it for that reason. seems like your average user wouldn't know to use a PWA but the power users got screwed.

Just read this one. Always a good overview about what happens in the ruby world!

Because you can expect the food to taste a certain way.

Every grandpa in the japanese country side needs a kei truck. It's very practical. I moved apartments using one. The bed is hip height and opens quickly. The safety concern is someone else hitting you. I just got back from the McDonalds drivethrough and there was a lady alone in an american truck blocking everyone. I don't understand why anyone needs a car like that, they seem very dangerous.

I have the same, it's hard for other people to understand.

ATMs closing must be mostly because of the scams

I think it's just a security thing. Japanese ATMs are all indoors rather than outdoors, and at night they want to lock the doors.

Where I lived in France before moving to Japan, there were 24/7 indoors ATMs, locked, that you could unlock with your card.

look at the examples they made why it should be in CSS grid. I totally agree it should be in that. It's a form of grid. It should be part of CSS grid.

This is one of the layouts that were just impossible in CSS and we really need it soon. I also needed the feature they talk about with the background colors for css grid tracks in 2012. I solved that with DIVs, but it was hard to make it responsive.

I absolutely want this. I have wanted this for years. This is a form of grid so it should be in CSS grid. Especially since it has tracks. Browser makers, please just ship this.

Ruby.wasm is here now, so you can run ruby in the browser. It still a bit big, but it even supports many regular gems. I met up today with a friend who is working on much smaller mruby version. He'll be giving a talk at rubykaigi next month.

I use Ruby.wasm with my own patch. [1][2] You can use the Javascript API and the syntax is a joy. I used it to make an electron app with videoplayer.[3] I also ported the rubykoans[4]

Lots of ruby.wasm talks at rubykaigi next month.

[1] https://github.com/largo/ruby.wasm

[2] https://github.com/largo/ruby.wasm-quickstart.

[3] https://github.com/largo/PsychometricStudyVideoPlayer

[4] https://koans.idogawa.com

As Swiss abroad in far away Japan "Kühreihen" didn't make me deadly nostalgic. I guess the soldiers lived in the alps. I miss my family more than mountains.

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