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I would be happy to just get the old PWA mode back. Turn a webapp into a window.

Exactly this. I have to use Chrome (or one of its non-Google flavors) to easily create dedicated Desktop apps for websites. I would prefer to use Firefox but they killed this feature long ago.

Glad Firefox is revisiting PWA/WebApps

Anyone know why Firefox killed PWA support?

I think it's addressed in the article:

> As you may know, we built a prototype for desktop PWAs a few years ago, and unfortunately user testing on our solution showed confusion and lack of perceived value. We didn’t release it because we didn’t have an approach that could meet the needs of power users without causing confusion among the broader user base.

it was live for awhile...don't know why they removed it for that reason. seems like your average user wouldn't know to use a PWA but the power users got screwed.

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