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Employer: find me a cloud to do stuff

Employee: Microsoft gives us a 50% "discount" vs the competition but they may get hacked easier.. incentive brain mode: if i save 50%, I may get a raise. If MS gets hacked, then "everyone suffers, so it's not like I'll get the blame for this decision"... Azure 100%!!!

I'm not terribly sure if it's really more MS lack of security posture vs. being a big target as they hold a lot of juicy government targets, etc.. so my comment isn't really to beat up on MS because who knows the key flaw that got them inside yet?

You absolutely will eat the extra charges, the question is will you bear the brunt directly with a behavior targetted at you uniquely or will the company just raise the cost of the product for everyone and have everybody pay more even if they get a fat pay day when they don't end up paying the platform overhead tax.

Interest rates in Canada have doubled and were only seeing a trickle of investors selling. I do agree that we have way too much investment in finished real estate, which is only hurting consumers trying to get into a market. We've been a lot more strict with ownership transparency and clamping down on short term rentals, which is still too soon to see how significant the effects will be, but the big tldr here being that rates doubled and there's still not a high push to reduce prices (yet), so both sides of the market are holding out for better.

In December there was an expectation that the FED would do 7 interest rate reductions this year. Now we are down to 1 - maybe.

I think a lot of people in the market are still holding on with a strong expectation that the interest rates will go down.

Personally, I think high interest rate environments are better for most people - it compresses asset prices and adds more value to a salary. But it will take some years for that compressions to kick in again.

There's a huge difference in rates and how it affects markets between Canada and the US. I'd assume most US based loans have a lock in period of 25-30 years, but is basically unheard of to have Canadian rates locked in longer than 5 years for fixed mortgages. That means there's a bunch of mortgage renewals that will dramatically affect the amount of disposal income for these individuals that locked in low rates a few years ago. In the US, it's more about potential buyers holding out for cheaper rates. In Canada is more about owners that "suddenly" have dramatically higher servicing rates. It's not unlikely that people are paying 1000/mo extra post renewal.

My guess is that Canada, like the ECB, are also influenced by the FEDs rates because, you know, FX.

Graduating into Y2K, there was definitely a period where new grads and a bunch of experienced devs couldn't find work at least for a couple years. I can only guess that it also happened to some extent during GFC.

But back then we had a much smaller amount of people graduating, you should see numbers how things have inflated towards CS.

Lots of people that would instead study another STEM subject picked up CS because of salaries and hype, now are without a job and could be instead an electrical engineer or any other profession that has a real career.

Which has been established in court where?

And it matters how? I didn't say the argument is correct or approved by court, or that I even support it. I'm saying what the argument, which OP referenced, is about, and how it differs from their proposal.

+1, this is just the commenter saying what they want without an actual court case

The justice system moves an order of magnitude slower than technology.

It’s the Wild West. The lack of a court case has no bearing on whether or not what they’re doing is right or wrong.

Sounds like the standard disrupt formula should apply. Cant we stuff the court into an app? I kinda dislike the idea of getting a different sentence for anything related to appearance or presentation.

I remember fondly writing a winamp clone in school with a team project. We scraped together a rough plugin based player, input and output plugins (a super limited network streaming variant), etc.. good times grinding on a neat project. Yikes, that was like 25 years ago.

Workers and managers are two sides of the same coin, cost centers. All we need is a bunch of owners. No need to pesky resources. Just find someone to make the machine that prints infinite money that I need no effort to utilize. Perfect capitalism.

Wow, what a different in perspective. I've met maybe a few people period that have at least mentioned that they've ever used AI tools (ever) in their personal lives, frequency be damned. Maybe you're just a lot more insistent in weaving in questions about using AI tools in daily conversation.

At work setting in a tech company, there seems to be a handful that are very in love with AI, a bunch that use it here or there, and a large majority that (at least publically) don't even use it. It's be interesting to see what company enforced spyware would say about ai uptake though for real.

BC wine industry in some areas purportedly had a crop loss of something like 90% by some estimates. With a 3 year turn around to re-establish the plants, and a very smoke tainted 2021, their industry is certainly in a trouble spot. Let's see if they have enough reserves to sell to get them past this disaster.

not just smoke tainted, a small bit of Kelowna (the heart of BC wine country) straight up burned down last year


the whole area is actually surprisingly dry in terms of rain due to being in the rain shadow of the mountain. the lakes nearby make it tolerable, but even a small shift in climate patterns will turn the area into a near-desert.

Yes, because meta programming in macros, makefiles, and embedding binary libraries or using git submodules is soo much more elegant.. yikes.

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