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He explicitly and unambiguously expressed his support for Hamas and Hezbollah here: https://twitter.com/CraigMurrayOrg/status/171333500612114051...

Add a seizure warning to this please! There is no indication that clicking to proceed will cause flashing and moving lights.

How common is photosensitive epilepsy?

This is when seizures are triggered by certain rates of flashing lights or contrasting light and dark patterns.

Around 1 in 100 people has epilepsy and of these people, around 3% have photosensitive epilepsy. Photosensitive epilepsy is more common in children and young people (up to 5%) and is less commonly diagnosed after the age of 20.

Source: https://epilepsysociety.org.uk/about-epilepsy/epileptic-seiz...

So 3% of 1% is... 3 in 10 000, or 1 in ~3.5k people. That's... much more widespread than I'd suspect.

Common enough.

I wonder if a much better solution than warnings would be something at the OS level analyzing the screen and fading out contrast or something any time it detects flashing patterns that could trigger epilepsy.

iOS has recently added that feature for video sources


I think much more common after one visits this site.

I immediately thought about that, my first go at it started with a big glitchy rapidly-flashing ball right in the middle of the screen. (Not sure if it should be like that? iOS safari, iOS16.0) Kind of the worst case scenario.

This just gave me an idea for a browser extension.

How would that work?

The screen would flash anytime you clicked with your mouse.

and also whenever you least expect it

And a mute button.

> This silliness of taking things out of context and then attacking them has got to stop.

A comment in a thread about a swastika should not be used as an opportunity to connect Judaism to Israeli policy. The discussion of the suffering of the Jews of Europe and their sensitivity to this symbol is orthogonal to that YouTube video you linked.

This is an example of a commonly used anti-semetic tactic to try and link these two together in order to justify lack of sympathy for Jews.

> millions of people in Europe

Many of whom immigrated to the United States after WW2.

Straight to the "ANTI-SEMITE!!! card" eh?

> A comment in a thread about a swastika should not be used as an opportunity to connect Judaism to Israeli policy.

Fair point. I withdraw that and apologise for going off on a tangent. But I still don't accept that Nazis or Jews should have a say in the use of the symbol when used in the old ways as it was used before Hitler corrupted it.

Thanks for understanding.

And fwiw I agree that no one should try and suppress using the symbol in the old ways.

Context is important (putting it on a billboard in queens would obviously have a much higher chance of being misinterpreted) but cooler heads will prevail.

But in this context [not accusing you, just giving context for why I’m commenting at all] it’s just alarming when encountering a world view where people auto jump to jews are centrally organizing to try to control ~thing~. I understand it's very hard to quell this habit once it starts.

I clicked through to the transcript after reading the handwritten part and it felt like a punchline because of how readable it was! It would be nice if this were somehow a JS toggle but hidden on the same page to enable accessibility.

I think the problem with doing something like this (besides accessibility) is you can never get the comfortable reading size right because the screen size/shape will never align with the flow of your text.

The size seems perfect for mobile phones, I think. At least it was great for me. But maybe it can indeed be confusing on desktops, true.

This is great- a small project I made to learn solana development was made tough with toolchain and validator issues. (I was unable to run a validator on an M1 macbook until then!)

It got better after v9, but having GUI tools will hopefully promote toolchain stability!

Thanks for the positive feedback! Have run into lots of issues like that in my own adventures ... Getting the validator to play nice in Docker on Mac was a trip and a half

Hi! I just moved to NYC from the bay in a similar situation and have lots of questions if you're willing to chat :) @thezisko on the bird website. (or email me)

Check the bird

Hi! I start at Apple soon, and all of this makes me nervous. Can you email me? email: the[myusername]@gmail.com

Thank you!

How would I go about finding one of these rent controlled apartments??

I mentioned it mostly to emphasize the fact that your rent doesn't need to scale with salary, but it's definitely going to be tough finding a rent-controlled place. Not impossible though. His friend moved out (got married), so my friend took that spot.

SEEKING WORK (Remote, or in Miami):

iOS, or Django/ Web!

I've built multiple (around 14) full-stack apps in production. I make iOS apps, and web servers to go with them.

I have 2 months (until June) until my IP agreement with one of the big 3 tech companies goes into play, so I'm perfect for a part-time or prototype contract job! I work quickly to make maintainable, long lasting systems.

contact me at thezisko@gmail.com

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