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In college I studied both CS and Studio Fine Arts (painting), and subsequently while working in tech (startup SE) showed work – that I had painted "for fun" – in NYC art galleries. From there I became part of the NYC arts community and began thinking about interesting ways to combine art & code. I built a few of these in my spare time, which caught up to my day job and led to a SE position at a startup that built software for the art market.

Assuming you reside in a city that has a strong arts community, I would focus on the nexus between where you are at and where you want to be: how could your skill set move the needle in a creative field? If you're living in a cultural desert, take your search online.

There is exciting work being done at the application layer across creative fields from Generative Art (https://artblocks.io/) to revenue management for musicians (https://www.ampled.com/) to publishing (https://mirror.xyz).

At the protocol layer I'm specifically interested in royalty payments streams (https://superfluid.finance), fictionalized ownership models, and partial common ownership (https://www.radicalxchange.org/media/papers/ownership-and-pu...).

Asking the question in this manner indicates to me that you're lacking inspiration and the resulting specific intrinsic motivation; find this first and the steps to transition will become clear.

Hi! I just moved to NYC from the bay in a similar situation and have lots of questions if you're willing to chat :) @thezisko on the bird website. (or email me)

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