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START a lemonade stand but immediately go "Out of Business" to draw attention to wealth-destroying minimum wage laws!"

If you can get the artists on your side, you can kill hollywood.

Hollywood only allows a tiny fraction of people with talent to suceed... The remaining 99% who never got into hollywood would want to work if they could succeed. Probably becoming millionares rather than billionares.

I think this poll might be more useful if you split the "against SOPA/PIPA" option into something like "against SOPA/PIPA, but for alternative piracy legislation" and "against SOPA/PIPA and against any new piracy legislation". I'm in the latter camp.

I actually would be similarly curious how many people oppose SOPA because it 'crosses the line' (whatever that line is), versus how many oppose SOPA because they take issue with copyright/intellectual property in general (in whatever way).

I somehow feel bad about being able to access it now :).

Tell people that this is what it will be like to access information online if anything like SOPA passes.

I wonder if a lot of people are going to be searching for "how to access wikipedia" now? Pity it will be too late by tomorrow, or you could inform them yet again. Oh well.

I think Wikipedia still gets to make its point if you have to pepper in some JavaScript or CSS to get back to it. Much more work than your standard interstitial.

This is the best point to make: the SOPA will only stop people who don't know how to get around it, just like the Wiki blackout. That is precisely to point to be made here.

I voted for the blackout, so I feel obliged to let myself be inconvenienced by it. 3 times already in the first 40 minutes.

I transferred everything to NameCheap today, but I should say, I've been wanting to transfer away from them for a while now for a variety of reasons, and this is what finally convinced me to do it.

What about the actual posts?

A social network lead by hacktivists? I'm sure the general public will come flocking...

I don't think it's for the general public, but there are enough 'subversive individuals' out there to make this work for them, I'm personally extremely fed up of the increasing lack of anonymity on the services that I use ...

Great idea. I've been looking for something like this for a while. I wish there was a way to create private rooms though, I might want to watch something with just a friend.

I listen to my favorite music (Mozart for me) and play some sandboxy games like Minecraft and GTA. I just try to forget about my startup for the evening and then get a full night's sleep. That always makes me feel refreshed.

The way they're used now, I think QR codes are really just a gimmick. They're probably useful in some rare situations, but for me, I could easily live without them.

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