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Poll: How often do you scan QR Codes?
4 points by ry0ohki on March 18, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
At SXSW, QR codes were everywhere. On buses, backpacks, business cards, t-shirts, you name it. But I've never once scanned one, or seen someone scanning one. Maybe it's because I have an iPhone? It seems Droid people are a little more comfortable with them but I wanted to pool the HN community to see if I should start using them in my marketing.
28 points
Not very often
6 points
Every time I see one
4 points
3 points

The few times I've scanned one it has seemed like too big of a hassle for a pretty minor ROI.

The way they're used now, I think QR codes are really just a gimmick. They're probably useful in some rare situations, but for me, I could easily live without them.

I scan them sometimes; they're all over the place here in Japan and it's easy to scan them on my phone.

Very low as compared to clicking links.


Everytime I see one! I think they are fantastic and misunderstood and under utilized. Social network information storage is one of the best use cases.

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