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What's the potential to weaponize such advances, say by creating novel prions and so on? I assume powers that be are already playing with the tech hidden away in their bunkers?

Probably limited as far as prions go. This particular advancement is in proteins that have sought-after mechanical properties like spider silk.

If you wanted to cultivate prions as a bioweapon, you could already grab them from reservoir sources such as deer and cattle.

Fedora immutable distros are image based, so yes, the base system is a pre-made unit, over which you can layer minor packages but not something as extensive as an alternative DE. Hence so many spins, as well as separate versions for stuff like Nvidia cards, Asus machines and so on.

What's the catch?

Bazzite's sibling Bluefin is specifically meant for developers (the bluefin-dx image) and standard daily driver. Bazzite is targeted more towards gaming and Steam handheld although you can use it as a desktop too.


I tried Bluefin and it's still early days and such. Also Bluefin has gaming images, so it seems it's weirdly trying to compete with Bazzite.

Also Bazzite has an issue open to make `-dx` images.

It seems both are trying to do it all with a different main focus. Bazzite is Gaming but can do other stuff just as well. Bluefin is Dev but can do others.

I personally find Bazzite more diverse and capable.

It can forward queries over TLS or HTTPS to another public DNS server and act as a caching server for all programs on your internal network.

Clicked on the link and remembered that yes, this stupid site uses Cloudflare to apparently block all Indian IPs, even for static articles like this one. Encountered it a couple of years back & forgot.

You aren’t missing much, It reads like written by an LLM, the signal-to-noise ratio is ridiculously low.

You are not alone, I am elsewhere and I cannot get into it either :(

It also has an incorrectly padded advertisement wrapper that cuts off the sides of the text on my phone.

I think SystemD moves too fast, is too opinionated, and is too sprawling for those who're capable of porting it, to actually want to do that work, instead of writing a partial replacement, like this project does.

I guess they could attempt to do so, but under extremely severe low memory conditions, the prompt (especially if its graphical) has a good chance of not reaching the user's screen in any reasonable time. That's why it has to decide without external I/O.

You can suspend a process, drop some caches, and even swap them to disk, if the memory approaches critical levels, or better yet, you can set a watermark that suspend the process and prompts you before it gets to that.

What's the uptake of Rust as far as Linux kernel dev goes? Is it being positively welcomed and seeing a rise in usage or is it still at PoC stage? Any ongoing rewrites of important subsystems?

Most of the interesting work is not yet upstreamed. A particularly interesting example is the Apple Sillicon GPU driver in Asahi Linux.

Last I checked still very early days with most of the work/experimentation happening in the driver space. However, it doesn't seem like its facing a lot of resistence and Torvalds seems reasonably positive about it atm.

So far 61 files [0], vs 52k for C, so about 0.1%.

[0]: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Atorvalds%2Flinux++languag...

It may not be much at the moment, but the thing that I find encouraging is that there seems to be very little pushback against it; the sanity of the Rust approach is very much accepted now.

GoboLinux attempts to reinvent the filesystem organisation for Linux while maintaining full compatibility.

With success?

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