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What's the uptake of Rust as far as Linux kernel dev goes? Is it being positively welcomed and seeing a rise in usage or is it still at PoC stage? Any ongoing rewrites of important subsystems?

Most of the interesting work is not yet upstreamed. A particularly interesting example is the Apple Sillicon GPU driver in Asahi Linux.

Last I checked still very early days with most of the work/experimentation happening in the driver space. However, it doesn't seem like its facing a lot of resistence and Torvalds seems reasonably positive about it atm.

So far 61 files [0], vs 52k for C, so about 0.1%.

[0]: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Atorvalds%2Flinux++languag...

It may not be much at the moment, but the thing that I find encouraging is that there seems to be very little pushback against it; the sanity of the Rust approach is very much accepted now.

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