Going back to basics and having zero external dependencies is quite enjoyable. Understanding how Hugo templates, themes, and content all work together was more complicated than I originally expected, but they have build a good system. Hopefully this helps anyone looking to get started.
This is an excellent little website, I'm I work with a few guys who have been playing CS for ages and I bet they'll get a real kick out of Pure skill next time I see them at the office.
If you are hacking on this today, you can use this starter repo to get a LaTeX project setup that builds and publishes your document with GitHub Actions: https://github.com/makenew/latex-project
Just checked your CV and it seems like the PDF version has several typos, specifically it says you are CTO at Meltwater when I think you meant at Pureskill.gg and is missing the entry for Seam
I made mine based on an ancient cls file years ago, update it every year or so and it's worked great. Repo is also public (you can click on the PDF to see what it looks like) at https://github.com/sbrother/resume.
My favorite tag is UPSTREAM to annotate workarounds forced by 3rd party libs or otherwise. Normally I include the link to the associated GitHub issue or SO post.
Tends to be the most useful in-code comment because if someone comes along and "helps" to refactor the "weird" code, they could accidentally undo the workaround and get stuck in the same loop the original author was in.
Last week I ordered a screen protector for my phone. I got two boxes in the mail. I thought I ordered twice by mistake but they had the same order number on the packing slip.
My immediate thought was that some order processing step somewhere is not idempotent.
Oof, I really like Auth0 and was thinking of adopting them soon. Now it just seems like a huge risk. Why would I willfully walk into what will obviously be a migration nightmare and unknown pricing change for one of the central and critical pieces of my application (which should be boring to maintain)?
Best to Auth0! I really hope you can maintain your company culture and excellence, but I can't risk my business on that now.
Production ready skeleton projects for bootstrapping new projects. I've used this approach professionally for over 7 years, but never marketed much past my current team.
Included: JS and Python package /microservice / serverless projects; Serverless Benthos; LaTeX paper; zsh and neovim config.
1. Most project generators don't provide a simple way to keep boilerplate updated. These projects leverage git merge and git diff which is designed for the task. So keeping all the generated projects updated as tools evolve is actually possible.
2. Fork friendly: you can fork and customize these repos to create your own personalized skeleton project, and still merge updates from the original.
3. These projects give you a working CI deployment.
4. The projects themselves are REAL working examples which are deployed / published.
5. Isolated boilerplate so any issues with tooling can be verified, tested, and upgraded independently.
I have a modular family of git repos with a 'dotfiles' one that pulls in the dependencies via bower and handles various bootstrapping and install steps. I also have one for my system config which works similarly. Vim, zsh, and tmux have their own standalone repos with one step install and updating scripts. They are written as normal plugins that load other plugins.
I want to avoid vendor lock-in to something like chef for this. The idea is that everything is either defined in a tool-agnostic config file, and bootstrapping / installing / updating the dependencies is handled by simple shell scripts. Down the road I can always swap out the tooling (bower, config_curator, archutil) without updating code in my repos since state is defined as data.
I don't like syslinks or putting ~/ under git as I don't want my working tree to affect my dotfiles until I run an "install" command.