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Production ready skeleton projects for bootstrapping new projects. I've used this approach professionally for over 7 years, but never marketed much past my current team.

Included: JS and Python package /microservice / serverless projects; Serverless Benthos; LaTeX paper; zsh and neovim config.


Reasons why this approach is successful

1. Most project generators don't provide a simple way to keep boilerplate updated. These projects leverage git merge and git diff which is designed for the task. So keeping all the generated projects updated as tools evolve is actually possible.

2. Fork friendly: you can fork and customize these repos to create your own personalized skeleton project, and still merge updates from the original.

3. These projects give you a working CI deployment.

4. The projects themselves are REAL working examples which are deployed / published.

5. Isolated boilerplate so any issues with tooling can be verified, tested, and upgraded independently.

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