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Just like companies will not allow us to install "personal" software on company devices, we should not allow them to install "company" software on personal devices.

I have recently discovered OCR font, and I LOVE it! I am, unfortunately, using it everywhere; however, I really do enjoy it in my terminal.

Does anybody know if the PinePhone has NFC? I looked at all the specs and didn't see it at all. That would tell me that (1) the phone does not have NFC, or (2) NFC is such a given so why would they list it, because "duh"?

It does not.

What I would offer is it has 6 back bogo pins that speak I2C, so someone who wants to build it in can.

I googled "bogo pin" ... I don't think I got the correct results:


In Duck Duck Go, it’s not the first result, but it is on the first page (once you click through the spell checker warning about rewriting “bogo” to “pogo”):


I agree with this statement; I am, however, not a Git pro. I have mostly used SVN and am very comfortable with it. Whenever I jump on a project that uses Git, I have to ask a million questions about how to do things. I am just having trouble groking Git.

This is a lot of time to devote to chess "as an adult". I've got children, who take up a lot of my time. I would love to learn how to play chess, but for "fun" not as some kind of competition. Is it worth while to learn chess for this reason, or is it only rewarding if you are beating somebody?

To be honest, I had no idea youtube-dl did anything else other than download YouTube videos. What other functions does it have?

"Downloading" doesn't mean "saving a copy" (unless you count "saving a temporary copy of its chunks in RAM"...). Most of my youtube-dl usage comes from its mpv integration, so the video is simply streamed directly for playback.

It supports a lot of video sources [1], not just Youtube.

[1] https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/tree/3f1748b9445e9d93...

I was suprised today that it supports downloaded videos on reddit too.

It support a gigantic amount of website, including audio one. Most of the time, I use it to have an offline copy of a podcast, radio show or some video that I might need to look at wherever I am not guarantee to have an internet connexion (very useful when travelling). It also has a lot of useful option like downloading the audio only of a video, choosing the quality of the video/audio which might be hidden in the website you are trying to watch it from, download subtitle (this is just so useful), you can pass ffmpeg options also to post-process the video in one go, ... There is just so many thing you can do with it. One last example : one of my computer really struggle to watch video/stream directly from the browser (for whatever reason), but with youtube-dl I can stream directly to VLC/MPV and it use 1/10 the CPU comparing to watching the same video in the browser.

youtube-dl is a networked multimedia swiss army knife supporting many operations and manipulations of audio, video, metadata, and auxiliary content from many video and audio hosting sites and platforms, as well as serving as an access layer for several playback tools, including mps-youtube, mpv, and VLC.

It supports audio-only sites too. I personally sync my favourites on Mixcloud with it.

I am SO glad I permanently moved from Apple to Linux several years ago. On top of that, I have a Pi-hole running on my network to block traffic for undesirables.

There used to be a device you could wear on your head that would "disrupt" any CCTV, and the like, cameras, but I believe the newer cameras have fixed that "hole". I would like something like that now, some device I cold wear on a headband that would prevent my face from being properly recorded.

Face shields with IR illumination will likely wash out your face. It’s socially acceptable right now, too.

IR filter can take care of that. We are going to enter an arms race soon enough.

Where can I buy that marvel?

It's reasons like this and the Google Photo situation that make me shake my head when people say "You don't need an SD card slot on your phone when Google has all these awesome 'free' services."

The recent trend of service fragmentation and media appearing and disappearing from service to service has sent me back in time to protect my ownership - for the first time in a decade, I have an optical drive in my primary computer so that I can rip Blurays, my previous method of obtaining media to keep was to buy it on iTunes and use Tuneskit to strip the DRM, though that's been broken for nearly a year now after Apple cut off the fake AirPlay device method they used to get the raw video data.

Should DRM-free stores for music go the way of the dodo, I guess I'd have to buy physical media there too, or just go back to piracy

> my previous method of obtaining media to keep was to buy it on iTunes and use Tuneskit to strip the DRM, though that's been broken for nearly a year now

What?! No it's not. iTunes + Tuneskit M4V Converter is how I watch a majority of movies and TV shows.

> M4V Converter for Win is currently not compatible with iTunes 12.10.2 and later

> M4V Converter for Mac is currently not compatible with macOS 10.13 or above.

Oh, huh! I never noticed, because I keep iTunes and Tuneskit isolated in their own Windows VM, and I'm using Apple's special 12.6.4 branch that supports managing iOS apps (but also doesn't get updates).

This setup does work, quite well in fact...

I have restarted buying CDs and paper books for the same reasons.

Same. Though I have a history of bad luck with SD cards even if I try buy decent ones, so I instead spend extra on a phone with enough space[1][2] and regularly rsync the phone's contents to my home server and external backups (keeping both current status and historic snapshots so nothing is ever lost). OK, I'm paying for those resources but I'd have them for other reasons anyway.

I do recognise though that this all marks me as not the "regular man on the street" in this context, so I'm outside the target audience for this sort of service from the likes of Google.

When Google's app stopped playing my local files, I just switched to another. Not the one Google wanted me to switch to, but I doubt they'll lose any more sleep over my absence (unless I'm part of a larger minority than I assume) than I'll lose over uninstalling their old app and not using the new one.

[1] I don't have a lot of music that I keep to hand on the device, the "lower priority" stuff I can stream from home when I have connectivity anyway, and clear large video recordings off fairly quickly

[2] Though my current phone does have an SD slot, and not one that is blocked (as with my previous phone) when using the second SIM

I LOVE stuff like this. Thanks!

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