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Same. Though I have a history of bad luck with SD cards even if I try buy decent ones, so I instead spend extra on a phone with enough space[1][2] and regularly rsync the phone's contents to my home server and external backups (keeping both current status and historic snapshots so nothing is ever lost). OK, I'm paying for those resources but I'd have them for other reasons anyway.

I do recognise though that this all marks me as not the "regular man on the street" in this context, so I'm outside the target audience for this sort of service from the likes of Google.

When Google's app stopped playing my local files, I just switched to another. Not the one Google wanted me to switch to, but I doubt they'll lose any more sleep over my absence (unless I'm part of a larger minority than I assume) than I'll lose over uninstalling their old app and not using the new one.

[1] I don't have a lot of music that I keep to hand on the device, the "lower priority" stuff I can stream from home when I have connectivity anyway, and clear large video recordings off fairly quickly

[2] Though my current phone does have an SD slot, and not one that is blocked (as with my previous phone) when using the second SIM

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