Heh, I'd just call it practicing ... I mean, it's pretty much a very common way to practice for every serious musician I know (apart from practicing in a group setting, of course).
Woodshedding is definitely "just" practice but at least in jazz it does have a certain connotation. Like a single musician probably has a few different practice routines depending on their goals at the time and woodshedding is implying deep focus on a passage or specific application of a technique. Rather than like, playing through whole songs or running scales or whatever they might also do another time.
It might also have to do with how programming was taught to a certain generation? At least from my own experience, when I was at university OOP and UML was all the rage, so we had to specify through diagrams in fancy diagram editors, then generate the code from that, and then still re-write everything by hand because it never really worked out quite that well.
Well, the code generation was a mistake, but drawing diagrams is explicitly what the guy in this story did:
He started by sitting at his desk and drawing a lot of diagrams. I was the project coordinator, so I used to drop in on him and ask how things were going. "Still designing," he'd say. He wanted the diagrams to look beautiful and symmetrical as well as capturing all the state information.
I'd say not all guys enjoy the kind of "guy talk" you're describing ... maybe it's harmless in your experience but it can be quite aggressive, or perceived as such, even if you're not emotionally bothered by it.
It's especially terrible if you have to go along in the workplace because you're talking to your boss and are expected to laugh about his (potentially charged) "funny quips" because "guy talk", amirite? Ugh ..
If you didn't like it, you'd probably make it shown in one way or another. And they wouldn't do it to you. There were several salespeople that didn't really know how or want to take part, and you simply didn't talk to them unless it was about work.
Hmm in German you could also say "Betriebssicherheit" (safety) vs. "Angriffssicherheit" (security), or at least that always was the translation that made most sense to me personally.
I'd say native speakers of German distinguish it but it depends on the context ... talking about computers, it's typically more about security, while when talking about construction sites, it's typically more about safety.
But they are both "Sicherheit" since in compound words the main word is the last word. You could say "Ist dein Haus sicher?" and mean "is your house secure" if a burglar is targeting your neighbourhood or "is your house safe" if a storm is passing over it. You can distinguish both cases with context or compound words, but it's not generally done.
Hehe totally, even though it's a bit overwhelming ... I've been active in live coding scene for years now (and my little language is on that list), yet I still don't know all of these ...
But I guess there's something for every language and skill level there ...
On that note, Bevy, a game engine in Rust, is looking to upgrade and improve how audio is being done in the engine, and they accept contributors of all skill levels, and are a very welcoming community :)