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You mean we'll have hardware accelerated ternary instructions? https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-guid...

(Okay probably those are not ready to be used as NN weights if the activations are not binary too, but... the gap to what CPUs already can do is getting smaller.)

When studying electrical engineering (during all the advanced control theory math and stuff) we were told that this is the official way to do it. If your PID controller doesn't work at first, second or third attempt, you don't run for your math books, you tweak it and try again until it works.

Most backup tools allow you to verify a random subset, say 0.1% of the backup. If you do that together with every backup you would eventually notice.

Yes there is a wealth tax in Switzerland, but... it would have to be much higher to make a difference. Raising it will not pass a referendum, which it practically has to in Switzerland. It has one big advantage, though: official numbers about wealth distribution.

I think micro taxation on all transactions (including at ATMs) would work better. Easier to explain, harder to avoid since you tax both sides of each transaction.

Aren’t these taxations generally regressive given poor people spend ~100% of their income and ultra rich people spend <1%. So you’re taxing the poor person on all of their money but barely taxing the rich person.

This is what a GST/VAT is, but far less disruptive. Taxing transactions that don't actually exchange ownership would be bonkers.

It works on Linux. But you'll notice every now and then how it just doesn't quite want to fit in, especially the developer tooling around it. It's not that it doesn't work, you just stumble over minor annoyances that don't happen on Windows and VSCode (with the proprietary plugin). Quite a contrast to developing in Rust on Linux, for example.

No, developing C# on Linux has been exactly the same as on windows for a very long time. Not since Framework and Core were separate things.

The modern C# Linux experience is indistinguishable from Windows.

When I'm in the office, I use Windows, when I work from home it's on Linux. Same projects, no problems.

Try to do GUI stuff, or debugging parallel code in VSCode on Linux.

Rider works fine for me.

After paying for it.

Meanwhile other FOSS ecosystems, get everything as free beer, including InteliJ stuff.

That's really not relevant.

Your problem is that VSCode is broken, not C#.

IntelliJ Idea for Java is not exactly free either. How would you go about debugging parallel code in Go, Rust or C++ there?

It certainly is, Community edition, available in macOS, Linux and Windows, contrary to VS Community that is Windows only.

What the hell has Go, Rust or C++ to do with C# and .NET code?

With the right small neural network architecture you could probably just repeat random weight initialization until you find one that works. This is known to work for some of the Atari games. The trick is, of course, to engineer a good input encoding and to find the right model complexity and architecture in the first place.

The second reason. Companies that are worse at getting people to self-exploit tend to do worse financially, and thus tend to disappear. Of course, if too many people quit or burn out, then the company will go bust, too. The optimum will be just one step short of that. And whenever someone starts a new company, they will look at the existing successful companies for how things are done.

There is no evil master plan. The processes that lead to self-exploitation will sound reasonable and well-intended. (If this wasn't the case, people would refuse to adapt it. Most people don't like exploitation when they see it.)

For example, in most of Europe there is a law that requires employees to record their working hours. This law was created to prevent (unpaid) overtime, and it does that. Now company X implements this by making you write down how many hours each day you worked towards which task. Doing this every day makes you think where you put this one-hour chat you had with a co-worker. It was nice, but which task did it contribute to? (It didn't...?) If you bother to ask, everybody will actually encourage you to have those talks, that it is even in the interest of healthy company culture, and remind you that maybe it's part of the paid break (you didn't forget you have that, did you? it was never anyone's intention that you skip your break). Nobody will be responsible for nudging people towards efficiency. It's all the fault of the individual who feels pressured into efficiency. It was never anyone's intention to prevent you from having those occasional nice chats, and nobody will stop you if you keep doing it.

Still, every day you get to think about how long it took and which task it belongs to, and it feels a bit like lying to just add the time to a random task. This kind of habit can shape your thinking.

If you have a Mastodon account somewhere you will be able to interact/follow.

Posts are not just going got flood over, though. Each Mastodon instance has its own local view into the fediverse, and discoverability depends on what other users on your instance have subscribed to. Some instance admins will decide to not host anything Meta, or limit discoverability, as they do with other servers.

That's RELU, which clearly belongs to the realm of AI. Dangerous stuff.

It's almost like a chose the example on purpose ;)

Yes. And copying does not equal stealing. While we're rambling about broken metaphors, pirates have to physically get you and threaten violence. Imagine if they just copied your car or newspaper instead, without breaking anything.

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