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Still tied up to windows though? Or does the Linux build work on par now?

In my experience .NET core works great on Linux.

It has actually been fantastic for writing small jobs that run in Linux docker containers.

It works on Linux. But you'll notice every now and then how it just doesn't quite want to fit in, especially the developer tooling around it. It's not that it doesn't work, you just stumble over minor annoyances that don't happen on Windows and VSCode (with the proprietary plugin). Quite a contrast to developing in Rust on Linux, for example.

No, developing C# on Linux has been exactly the same as on windows for a very long time. Not since Framework and Core were separate things.

The modern C# Linux experience is indistinguishable from Windows.

When I'm in the office, I use Windows, when I work from home it's on Linux. Same projects, no problems.

Try to do GUI stuff, or debugging parallel code in VSCode on Linux.

Rider works fine for me.

After paying for it.

Meanwhile other FOSS ecosystems, get everything as free beer, including InteliJ stuff.

That's really not relevant.

Your problem is that VSCode is broken, not C#.

IntelliJ Idea for Java is not exactly free either. How would you go about debugging parallel code in Go, Rust or C++ there?

It certainly is, Community edition, available in macOS, Linux and Windows, contrary to VS Community that is Windows only.

What the hell has Go, Rust or C++ to do with C# and .NET code?

C# hasn't been tied to Windows for a very long time. It works just the same on Linux.

Except for GUI frameworks, where you need to rely on the community, and for certain VS features you need to buy Rider, as VSCode is supposed to only be good enough.

So the problem with .NET is that you only have community-maintained GUI frameworks, opposed to other ecosystems where you have community-maintained GUI frameworks.

Partially, Microsoft is leaving to the community to care about GUI frameworks, not even MAUI is getting first class Linux support.

Additionally they see VSCode as good enough, with top tier experience available on VS proper.

So if you want the same tooling experience across the board for all .NET workflow as VS, you need to buy Rider.

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