"The Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project .. substantially missed its intended power production over its four-year lifespan by only achieving about 20% of its capacity on an annual basis"
> If someone has such super technology, why patent it so people can easily steal the idea with a google search? Why not keep it secret and use it to fuel a giddy ride to the top of the power hierarchy?
> The US Navy has made it abundantly clear that they have this technology .. When motionless, the craft point their gravitational waveguides DOWN, which causes them to hover.
OK then, tell us why they allowed two shuttles to explode rather than use this gravitational waveguide technology?
"The JASON report considers relatively low EM energy fluxes, when compared with those generated by the physical mechanisms described in the inventor's aforementioned published paper (on the order of 1033 W/m2, and beyond). This exceptionally high EM power intensity induces spontaneous particle pair production (avalanche) out of the vacuum of free space, thereby, ensuring complete polarization of the local Vacuum energy state, thus resulting in modification of the local spacetime energy density. It is because of this fact, that the JASON report's conclusions must be revisited, are incorrect, and are directly in conflict with the current invention."
In my Reddit post, I get into more detail, in regards to the relationship between JASON and the US Navy. (JASON was a program started by DARPA, who created the Internet.)
Steve Wozniak is who built the original Apple, the hardware and the software, Steve Jobs did manage to create the Apple image and sell himself as some kind of a tech guru in the process.
I hate this trope. Woz was a technical wizard, but Apple would have failed (and nearly did fail in 1998) without Jobs.
Apple's worst years were when Jobs was gone and the company's management was trying to beat IBM clones when Apple had few distinguishing features and the clones were competing on thin margins, while Apple largely tried to avoid the (except the few years when they allowed Apple clones). When Jobs returned, the OS changed, the CPU architecture changed, the shape and design of the computers changed, and new computing devices (iPod, iPhone, iPad) and created the iTunes + App Store.
As I know, India is home of many religions and creeds following different philosophies. So it may not. Housing issue in big cities is too common across the world.(LA, Tokyo). Don't see any relation between religious philosophy and housing issue.
> Don't see any relation between religious philosophy and housing issue.
Most of the historical social movements in the west came out of the Christian tradition, whilst the eastern tradition of Karma/Dharma would say leave it, it's the wheel of life or some such.
@mclightning: “I haven't been able to get into the whole hype about this book”
Then try and get hold of the original radio series, which the books are based on. “Why a fish for translation”: because it is ridiculous, which most fifties sci/fi is/was. Adams did write scripts for Doctor Who.
So, the babelfish takes the piss out of Sci-Fi and the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation takes the piss out of consumerism. And this quote takes the piss out of Politics:
‘The President .. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it’. Take a look at that whole quote, does it remind you of anyone.
>Then try and get hold of the original radio series, which the books are based on. “Why a fish for translation”: because it is ridiculous, which most fifties sci/fi is/was. Adams did write scripts for Doctor Who.
Yeah, I don't think that's the parent's issue... that he doesn't particularly like the book format, and that the changed lines and extra audio jokes will make it better. If anything from his description, he'd be even more puzzled...
Incidents like the recent Checkm8 hack illustrate the dangerous of a monoculture. The designers need to really up their game. Something like, on first boot the device scrambles the microcode in the CPU. Then on each further boot encrypts memory access per process. That way each device would be unique and no individual hack could infect the entire population.