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If someone has such super technology, why patent it so people can easily steal the idea with a google search? Why not keep it secret and use it to fuel a giddy ride to the top of the power hierarchy?

It's possible that just filing a patent does this.

1) become an employee somewhere that will pay for all your patent applications.

2) have some sort of reward system so that filed patent applications are counted positively on an employee review, or have a modest financial gain (some employees have from modest to substantial gains for filing patents)

3) have unofficial reward systems (such as peer respect) that also benefit the employee

4) "person with most filed patent applications" or "person with most really cool applications" leads to employee rise to power.

Exopolitics wrote the following, which I agree with:

"Given what we know about secret space programs developed by the US Navy and Air Force respectively, electromagnetic propulsion systems have been used for decades in several crafts that operate both in space and underwater. The reason why Dr. Pais chose not to mark the patent applications secret was that senior Navy officials have decided the time had come for the disclosure of advanced electromagnetic propulsion technologies that were already in operation, rather than merely innovative proposals for future development as suggested in the patent application."

What secret space programs?

> What secret space programs?

Personally, I believe that the "UFO" seen by the Navy pilot Commander David Fravor was a Navy craft. I don't think it was extraterrestrial in origin.

Hence, "secret space programs."

That wasn't really in space, but ok. Do you think he knows what was going on during the sighting? Or do you think he is reporting the truth to the best of his capability?

The X-37 is the best example of one widely known to exist, without yet knowing all the details of its purpose and missions. It's pretty unlikely to be the only such program.

Do you know of any other examples?

Moon base we took from Nazis.

Really interesting theory! If your descendents 50,000 years from now could read this comment, do you think it would reflect positively on your persona?

> If someone has such super technology, why patent it so people can easily steal the idea with a google search? Why not keep it secret and use it to fuel a giddy ride to the top of the power hierarchy?

UFOlogy is a form of religious cult?

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