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An interesting application of this concept was in WW2 for bombing dams - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouncing_bomb

Very interesting post, is there a one detailing how you started?



LMK if that's not what you are looking for.

Well, I would be happy to hear about things such as: * Which features did your first version have? * How did you get your first users? * Did StyleFeeder rely on B2B connections, if so how did you find/create them? * What was StyleFeeder's business model? * When did you start looking for funding/why/how? Thanks for the time and experience sharing!

Those are short so I will just answer them here:

* Basic social sharing of products, fancy bookmarklet, following other people and then we quickly moved into some high-end realtime recommendation technology.

* At first, it was just friends and family spreading the word. Our first big jump came after our bizdev guy joined and he did a deal with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen to feature us on their homepage and for them to create accounts and share products they were interested in with their fans. We did a bunch of other celebrity stuff. Then, we really grew right after the Facebook platform launched. SEO was also a major factor.

* B2B connections were largely a waste of time.

* 90% affiliate, 10% advertising.

* Funding: I didn't pursue it at first, but smarter people than I saw the bigger opportunity that I hadn't tuned into yet and made introductions.

There are similar portraits done with Rubik's Cubes http://freshome.com/2011/11/08/dream-big-rubik%E2%80%99s-cub...

Actually expected a story about id software's spider of doom...

So did I.

Can't find the video, can you please provide a link?

There should be an algorithm that automatically searches and matches XKCD strips to posts...

What's the easiest way to take such code (one line) and format it to something readable?

I normally use http://jsbeautifier.org but it appears to be down at the moment. http://www.javascriptbeautifier.com also works.

id did it by hand and found some weird shit, see my comment.

Which notable businesses are in that category besides Healthcare and Education?

Does simply seeing 82% vs. 50% enough? Shouldn't there be some significance measurements added to it? If you had only 6 people in this experiment maybe it is just a statistical error...

If there were 6 people, he wouldn't be saying 82%. 83%, maybe.

Can someone please give a few examples for what this could be used for?

If you put data (usually little icons) in a data: URI, the browser can load the image without having to make another request to the server for the image, because the data is right there in the URL. It doesn't have to touch the network or disk.

If you put that in an <image src=data://...> tag, it would be rendered inline just like a normal image. So that's the main advantage: the data is in the URI. It's usually used to reduce the number of requests made to the server for icon images.

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