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I am aware of Siri's history. Tablets, phones, personal computers are other peoples creation as well. Steve Jobs did...whatever he did to them. The same will happen with A.I. Sadly, he won't be with us when it all happens. But you should see the YouTube video where Mossberg and Jobs talk about Siri. Mossberg keeps saying that Siri is search. Steve keeps correcting him. No, Siri is A.I. Siri is A.I. You should see the look on his face.

Siri is not analogous to tablets, phones, etc.

For example, cellphones existed before Steve pushed to build the iPhone but something like the iPhone didn't exist.

Siri existed in near the same form pre iPhone 4S. It's the same Siri, just with deeper integration and the Apple finish.

The Apple finish being the operative words here...Or the Apple start should I say...

Not that I am saying you're wrong, but he could be denying this to avoid giving a tip to Google, couldn't he?

Can't find the video, can you please provide a link?

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