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As a sufferer of early onset parkinson's, it's great to see products like this being developed. Hats off.

Glad you find it useful!

If this works successfully then it would be great but as a 28 year old with Parkinson's, I'm skeptical.

It took approximately 12 months, numerous blood tests, MRIs and doctor visits to diagnose me as having YOPD, so I'm finding it hard to believe that this could be replaced with a telephone call.

If you don't mind answering, what was your path to the Parkinson's diagnosis? I mean, what were some of the first signs that something was wrong?

I developed a slight tremor in my right hand and had trouble moving my arm as fluidly as my other.

I've been using namecheap for years and have yet to have a single issue with them.


Welcome aboard, Orchestra folk!

My most recent project is £18 in the black :D

Purify, am i correct? Nice work, congrats on the positive income ;)

Alas I'm still 90% coder, 10% designer. The current site is the third iteration of the layout.

If I wasn't too stingy to pay a designer, I would :)

So how do you scrape the sites and how do you store the data?

Honestly, no I haven't looked into any of this.

I have noticed, however, that most, if not all of the sites offer product feeds that include the images. So I'd assume that there is no issue there.

Regarding Google, I honestly don't have a clue. I shall put some time into looking into it though

I originally tried analysing the colours in the images and picking out the most common colours used.

In the end, I just ended up using the colours mentioned on the pages when I scrape them.

It works well generally but throws a few false positives.

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