Orchestra is building a impressive platform indeed (from a tech standpoint). But as a developer it's a black cloud day. Been hoping PHP to be fading away in favor for syntax-wise less sucky languages (there are many superior alternatives - not only the ones I work with if that is the assumption of the reader) that bloat apps out the web for the reason of cheap outsourcing. I love what EY has done through the years for open-source, though I cannot see this action as anything else than choice between money and principles. I hope EY will continue to support open-source software as they have and not forget where they came from - many do.
Congrats to Orchestra guys though, you seem to be talented.
Its been a while, at one point EngineYard was pretty awesome and really moved a lot forward in the RoR community. They've lost so many great people (and theres still some great people there), they've been moving more and more away from their developer roots, and in a series of baffling moves have been pushing away boutique customers in favor of highly commoditized cheap hosting. But PHP, really? I guess this is really the nail in the coffin for EY as a serious developer platform.
Congrats to Orchestra guys though, you seem to be talented.