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Icahn for sure just invested so he could be higher in a liq pref stack than A16Z, so when things go south he can take away anything that A16Z could have potentially recouped

There is a theory that Icahn is so rich and old that the money doesn't really matter to him much anymore. Instead he gets the most value from investing his money in ways that entertain him and sometimes that's by poking people he doesn't like in the eye (Ackman, Andreessen).

I thought the point about demand driven change was really the key takeway, its really critical for people to understand the impact their spending habits have on the larger economy. Voting with your dollars is way more impactful than voting in elections.

I was hoping your comment was going to end with "I didn't even realize I had a baby until it was down"


Can someone explain how this is any different from electric imp or Zigbee.

I'll try! (I made it)

Electric imp is Wifi and does not function without an internet connection (at least, thats what they told us at the first hackathon). It also doesn't function without a router.

We're a lot closer to Zigbee - basically the same idea. We send data directly from board to board, unlike wifi which always runs through your router. We basically use every board as a router.

The advantage over zigbee is price, Arduino, openness, and range. We have 10 times the range of $22 zigbee modules, and 5 times the range of their $50 modules, all in an easy arduino package.

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