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Did you even read it? It's about him.

This requires the installation of some plugin to actually work. They made it sound like it was JS only.

Thanks, after reading the page I couldn't tell what this even was. Is it a library to do bittorrent in the browser, and if so what is Backbone a dependency for that? Using Backbone makes me think it's a UI, but there's nothing on the page to indicate that.

It looks like Backbone is used for the event model

That's confusing... it's Backbone's event model basically just an Event Emitter? Is there some special functionality that warrants bringing in all of Backbone vs. just using one of the millions Event Emitter libraries that are out there. You can even get just Backbone's models if that's what you want.

No. There isn't.

Source: I've ported most of the whole thing to pure angular.js. The code is riddled with UI elements directly being injected based on events, where it could have been a service API.

You seem to get a locked down VPS. Looks like a Debian distribution, but no root access, no installing packages.

Yes. However, it's not a VPS service. The file system is automatically managed by Jumpstarter and upgraded without downtime. The idea of no root access is not to limit you, but because you shouldn't have to worry about administration - we handle it all.

iOS 6 is doing binary diffs when you update an app. I have rather large app in the store and when I pushed a minor update, download took only a few seconds. This would have been impossible if it downloaded the whole thing, my internet connection is not that fast.

This is a lot of noise about nothing. They passed a well meant report on eliminating gender stereotypes in the EU (not a law) containing this sentence: Calls on the EU and its Member States to take concrete action on its resolution of 16 September 1997[1] on discrimination against women in advertising, which called for a ban on all forms of pornography in the media and on the advertising of sex tourism.

The mentioned report is itself contains this sentence: 5. Calls for statutory measures to prevent any form of pornography in the media and in advertising and for a ban on advertising for pornographic products and sex tourism;

This was passed already in 1997.

[1]: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=REPORT...

So they want to prevent advertisements for pornographic products? That's "nothing"?

How is this well meaning?

they want to prevent using pornography as an advertisement (advertising that appeals to your libido)

That an already passed resolution contains something stupid is a poor argument against opposing repeating the stupid thing.

You have to consider that it's trivially easy to extract the full fonts from the app the enduser receives. For iOS just unzip the .ipa file, go to the Resources folder et voilà.

I thought that too might prevent foundries to license their fonts, but it turns out that services like typekit are in fact already putting these fonts online, without any real guarantee against pirating. It's just not very convenient to do right now, but definitely doable, as stated by typekit themselves : http://blog.typekit.com/2009/07/21/serving-and-protecting-fo...

So, if foundries are allowing that on the web, why the special treatment in native apps? That is one of the points of the article.

If someone is able and willing to do that, wouldn't that person likewise be able to extract the full fonts from a website using such a font? If so, I'm not sure what your point is.

Older similiar service: http://placehold.it/

There's also the lovely and whimsical http://placekitten.com/

Also http://placedog.com/ and for the refined taste, http://placebear.com/ .

This is my favorite by far.

Interestingly that page never stops loading for me and drives Chrome nuts. It keeps loading tons of different images and the icon for stop/refresh alternates between the two states a couple times per second.

I saw that too. When looking at the Chrome developer tools you can see a bunch of stuff being loaded.

Something weird is going on with the favicon for me (Chrome 25.0.1323.1 dev-m). It's kind of flashing/glitching. Anyone else?

Don't forget the infamous CageMe: http://cageme.herokuapp.com/

I didn’t know that one, haha.

With an insight into font technologies, this is actually very easy to solve. Opentype fonts can contain TrueType or Postscript curves. These two have a very different approach to hinting: In TrueType the font is clever and the renderer is stupid (lots of very complicated hints in the font). In Postscript the font only has a few simple hints, and the renderer does the rest.

On Windows an unhinted TrueType text font looks horrid, an unhinted Postscript font is ok.

So, if you want an unhinted font, because you're using icons, just use TrueType shapes and don't hint them (like Font Awesome seems to do) (This doesn't cover the native mac renderer, it ignores any hints and does all the work itself)

The font is really gruesome. Looks like a modern version of comic sans.

Use stuff like this for headers, never for whole paragraphs of text.

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