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on May 21, 2013 | hide | past | favorite

Much ado about nothing, as the App Store will do diff updates, starting in iOS 6: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/ipad/#qa/qa1779/_inde...

So the author is about 9 months late with his complaint. I mean, assuming that is his complaint; he never explicitly says.

iOS 6 is doing binary diffs when you update an app. I have rather large app in the store and when I pushed a minor update, download took only a few seconds. This would have been impossible if it downloaded the whole thing, my internet connection is not that fast.

When will we man up and ask Apple how come iOS doesn't do smart updates (Download only diff's) like Android Does?

Apple doesn't care because its not a significant cost for them (May be not worth their development cycle?), Carriers don't care because more data = more $$.

Consumers pay and shut up because its uncool to standup against AAPL?

Except that they do. I've a number of large (~1GB) games I've seen update in only a few seconds

Here's some docs https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1779/_index.ht...

I actually thought app diffs were a feature of iOS 6… I'm surprised we haven't seen them.

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