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This is pretty cool. I'll have to use it for my next project.

In case you didn't catch on, it's a joke about wikileaks.

Tumblr is not NSFW content friendly, which is a slippery slope. I don't want my edgy meme taken down or censored, I would much rather run my own server that I control and having it not subject to arbitrary value judgements about what I post.

For syntactic DOM manipulation sugar I use Cash[0]

[0] https://kenwheeler.github.io/cash/

You could be a CDN (Content Delivery Network) and act as a point-of-presence (PoP) for the country you're in. Mirror Linux distro ISOs, offer the ability for netizens to download offline versions of Wikipedia which are over ~50GB sans images.

SMS is a dated technology and I despise services that use SMS, especially for OTP / PINs used to sign in. SIM cards can be 'swapped' by bad actors all too easily. I understand you want to stop abuse, but there's other ways to do this like CAPTCHAs or putting your site on Cloudflare and filtering out rogue/malicious IPs like VPNs/Tor, or doing things like rate-limiting.

Yeah, I'd never use SMS for 2FA in 2023. Mine is not a security sensitive use-case.

I'm currently planning to use Twilio or Plivo with their Lookup APIs to filter out VOIP-type phone numbers and to send messages.

The lookups seem to basically double the cost (for U.S. numbers) but is still relatively affordable.

Somewhat worried about A2P 10DLC since I've never dealt with it and don't know how much of a blocker or delayer it is.

I'd really just like a cheaper (but reliable) service that combines texts to exclusively personal mobile numbers.

There's a list of some services here besides Twilio: https://www.producthunt.com/search?q=SMS

I've reached generic TLD fatigue. There's a new one each week. I regularly buy domains with OVH since they have a wide array of TLDs at a good price[0]. Over the years I let many of them expire because either 1) I let my dreams die, or 2) I couldn't afford to renew it. Mostly it's because I let my dreams die, not financial shortcomings though.

[0] https://www.ovhcloud.com/en/domains/tld/

That's a very succint way of putting it. Exotic TLDs are completely unecessary to deliver content. The more that exist, the harder it is to remember them, which is counter to the entire point of DNS.

The more often they’re used, the more likely someone will be able to own <noun>.<noun> or <verb>.<noun> or whatever, rather than “catching 3-4 letter thing you can say alloud” + “current trend of website name hacking” + “current cc tld used in current trend”.

E.g. “Bit.ly”, “Tindr”, and so on.

poop dot bike

Domain squatting is not what it used to be... unless it's max 5 characters in total, simply let it go.

I think Cloudflare beats the price for most regular TLD. Nothing else comes close.

A cold start is the hardest part. It's important to discern what part of your content is noise or genuinely helpful, but if it falls on deaf ears, that gets annoying, and I know your pain. It's not enough just to 'engage' and follow interesting people, there's a whole art to Twitter that I won't discuss here, as its too lengthy (and I haven't had my coffee).

Yes, agreed, maybe I have not been able to identify my niche, I have got ~400 followers by sharing startup/tech related content. However, startup/tech is a big area, I probably need to identify a particular niche.

Hope you have your coffee soon and share your art with me. Thanks Derek

> In addition to driving out non-compliant VPN providers and using regular means to block domains and IP addresses

How do they get the point-of-presence VPN IPs? Does Russia go to the OpenVPN/Wireguard page of VPN services and download each country config file and build a naughty list of VPN IPs?

Most likely

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