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Ask HN: How do you build your personal brand on Twitter?
2 points by sanketgoyal11 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I've seen people go from 0 to thousands of followers in a few months, all because they zoned in on building a personal brand. Do you have any tips for makers that want to do the same?

I am trying to do it here - https://twitter.com/Sanket_goyallll

A cold start is the hardest part. It's important to discern what part of your content is noise or genuinely helpful, but if it falls on deaf ears, that gets annoying, and I know your pain. It's not enough just to 'engage' and follow interesting people, there's a whole art to Twitter that I won't discuss here, as its too lengthy (and I haven't had my coffee).

Yes, agreed, maybe I have not been able to identify my niche, I have got ~400 followers by sharing startup/tech related content. However, startup/tech is a big area, I probably need to identify a particular niche.

Hope you have your coffee soon and share your art with me. Thanks Derek

Would love if you can give feedback on my profile

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