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Wanting more than the bare minimum, I imagine.

Just curious, what’s the fad you’re referring to. React? Client side rendering? Single page apps?

Server side rendering

Good review from an awesome channel: https://youtu.be/kBJzE6TI__Q?si=Csi_ofFIu2iAeliO

1. async/await is a thing.

2. The GraphQL spec tells you how errors should be handled.

I still identify with the “frontend developer” title, even though my skill set has grown beyond it. Best practices are framework dependent, the tooling one should choose is dependent on their problem space, and we do appreciate simplicity.

No one is forcing people to use React, Svelte, Vue, etc. The sentiment of wishing for a simpler time has never felt right to me, cause no one is policing what people use. If you feel like people are forcing you into frameworks, I’m sorry, and I feel like I have a piece of advice.

If you truly believe a framework isn’t worth it, tell your team why. You might be right, and you might be wrong.

I’ve worked at large and small companies; discussions about what technologies to use have always been welcome. I’ve advocated for and won when making a case for “simpler solutions,” when it makes sense.

All that said if you think using a framework framework === complexity for the sake of complexity, you’re wrong. OP I’m not saying you think this, but I have to imagine that it’s the sentiment of at least part of the folks who made this the top comment.

Not a single frontend dev I know in real life has had the same negative reaction about hooks that I often see on HN.

I remember some people taking a little longer to adopt them either cause it wasn’t necessary or cause it didn’t click right away, but eventually everyone learned how to use em, and no one complains about them cause they’re just a tool you use if you use React (which is the framework of choice for most companies).

Honestly, the reaction I often see from HN around most frontend topics usually doesn’t match what the frontend and full stack devs I interact with regularly are saying. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like we all love React and want to switch state management libraries every week; it’s that React is fine, the ecosystem is fine, and we specifically don’t use every library that comes out week after week.

I can’t think of anything CB put out during his tenure that was interesting at all. IIRC, he was a driving the push for Coinbase NFT which flopped massively.

Not sure the exact timeline for these, but what about staking and yields, integration of Coinbase Pro with the main site, and a more robust Tax Center? Those all seemed pretty useful to me. Pretty sure all those were within the last couple of years.

I really liked how it felt but there was like a 50% chance of me getting sleep paralysis and feeling extreme terror, so my weighted blanket experiment only lasted a week.

I'm searching for a 100 pound blanket to test the sleep claim at the extremes. Hard to find though.

I'm so sick of opinion pieces that are written for people who share the exact worldview of the author and are just looking to pat themselves on the back for being better than the "other".

Do people really like being pandered to this much?

It's the Wall Street Journal - the kind of people that read that throw a fit when the barista spells their name wrong on the cup and then write pages long thinkpieces about it that other dorks in their circle read.

Judging by the op-ed pages I'm acquainted with, yes people do.

I’d rather subsidize a handful of slackers than return to the office.

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