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Off the top of my head here are three different offerings from Microsoft that enable cross cloud applications: - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/azure-arc/ - https://dapr.io/ - https://keda.sh/

The runtime for their serverless functions is also open source and (I guess) fairly portable: https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-host

That's pretty cool not an expert so can't know how truly portable it is, or is it like "Visual Java" ;-)

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They actually did the opposite and made it so you can log into basically any Microsoft service with a GitHub account.

GitHub has not yet been acquired by Microsoft, they're completely separate.

I wonder if this will vaporize the deal.

That's not how these deals work. A little infrastructure downtime is not going to stop a 7.5B platform acquisition.

Similar announcement for Edge / IE 11: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18219528

It would seem these announcements (Chrome/Safari/Edge TLS 1.0/1.1 deprecation) were coordinated.

Edit: The Microsoft announcement says as much.

The availability of synchronous 1Gbps fiber internet for about $70/mo in the Triangle area from both Google Fiber and AT&T Fiber doesn't hurt either.

Didn't realize that was a thing there now. Spectrum is definitely not helping my blood pressure charging $60-70 for 100 Mbps here in LA.

It's lower than $12. This job posting lists $10.50 and up for a warehouse position: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/881584480

I've heard the analagy used that "Servers are to Serverless what wires are to wireless", the main point being that they're still there, but they're no longer something you manage or directly interact with.

I'm also starting to see the term LaaS (Logic as a Service) used as an alternative to "Serverless" here and there.

I think the analogy falls apart because in the part of the system that's referred to as "wireless", there is literally no wire. The serverless comparison would be more like if they used a lot of zip ties and some well-placed rugs so you never saw the wires going directly to you computer and called that "wireless".

LaaS sounds much more accurate/palatable.

Not just that, but "serverless" typically involves integrating a muddle of AWS/GCP/Azure services, locking you in. Portable software is the analog to "wireless" here, as it gives you the freedom to... move.

Your summary does not accurately reflect what the license states.

You can use Visual Studio Community Edition for commercial programs, so long as:

* You're not doing so for an organization that has more than 250 PCs or 1 million USD in annual revenue

* No more then 5 users in the organization that you are using it for are using it for things other than open source, academic research, and classroom learning

> Even better if it is open source, in contrast to GOOG/AMZN/MSFT offerings!

Most of the Azure Functions codebase is actually open source under the MIT License: https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Functions

That's great but it would be good to know what's missing? Can I take that repo, deploy it and start selling FaaS?

I don't know the answer to that myself unfortunately. I know the entirety of the runtime itself is OSS and when you do local run/debug of a Function it's the same runtime that Azure uses.

It's not an apples to apples comparison though since OpenWhisk is intended to be self deployed.

I mentioned Functions here just because many folks don't know that most Azure SDKs, runtimes, tooling, etc are OSS by default.

That's the problem though. It doesn't matter much that it's open source if it is not usable in a sense that you can't easily deploy it yourself or repurpose, without committing (and paying) for the rest of Azure stack.

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