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This is cool! I've definitely looked for a site that did this before. What's it built on?

It's built on Symfony with a few cron jobs to process everything in the background and sendind the emails through Mandrill. I'll most surely add some kind of queuing mechanism (either with redis or RMQ) soon to handle things more gracefuly.

The design is a paid wrapbootstrap theme called Harp.

Hilarious! It's an absurd combination but a surprisingly fun way to munge around with beats.

The 808 instruments sound intrinsically familiar and make the mishmash you get from random play still sound cohesive and coherent. It's an unexpectedly good choice for music toys like this. Gotta love that cowbell

Android has android.util.Log.wtf[1], "What a Terrible Failure". That makes me laugh and this makes me laugh and I'm all for a little humor in specifications

[1] http://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/Log.html...

This is super cool. I've looked a little at lenticular printing for 3D prints but sourcing the lenses was a little more effort than I needed. I'd pay well over material cost to have someone else handle assembling. If you add an option meant for that I'd be all over it.

Thanks! What do you mean about adding an option for 3D prints? Do you mean doing the layering on our end? We could get you viewing angles and such so that you could upload prelayered imagery through the website normally, would that work?

Layering on your end, yeah.

Per pages like http://www.microlens.com/pages/choosing_right_lens.htm different applications prefer different viewing angles.

If you can track down ideal lenses and give tips for capturing ideal photos that'd be awesome.

http://poppy3d.com/ is cute product shipping soon: they might be interested in partnering (they've had ~2900 backers on Kickstarter)

Lenticular printing can also be used to present stereoscopic images: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenticular_printing#Types_of_le...

These breakpoints seem chosen somewhat arbitrarily. I'd enjoy a longer post elaborating on why you chose them!

The seminal Boston Globe design chose 5 breakpoints based on rough hardware buckets, see http://www.flickr.com/photos/joshclark/6200745034/ (via https://twitter.com/globalmoxie/status/120157487797243905 ).

This is cool! An interesting experiment.

I think a quick shadow does a lot to give the divider some heft and alleviate concerns about visual ambiguity between foreground and background page.

It would look something like http://cl.ly/image/2N3B2V2d2L3W (pardon the wonky #ss_topPage). It can be done in CSS (+ two empty divs, uh) with small effort. To me it feels like the most usable skeuomorphic hint you could drop.

That looks great. I'll see if I can update it tomorrow.

Actually this doesn't really work. Mainly the problem is when the top page hasn't scrolled at all, for example if you're just using pagination, it creates a meaningless shadow.

Sass' Compass framework has a helper to automatically generate inline data URIs. http://compass-style.org/reference/compass/helpers/inline-da...

This is handy for media that will change--inlined images and such. Manually updating encodes is an easy step to forget.

These launched with Twitter's redesign last year. http://socialmediab2b.com/2011/12/b2b-twitter-brand-pages/

The "Promoted Tweet" pinned on top of brand pages is auto-expanded, so realistically most companies will probably be using it to showcase a video or graphic rather than trying to engage in 140. Oh well.

Well, no, these are different. They are pinned to the poster's page, not mine.

I am suggesting to let Dell throw a tweet at the top of my feed when I next refresh it (and then let it fall down as usual), but unlike existing promoted tweets do it only if I follow Dell.

"Twitter for iPhone pro-tip: swipe up on Me for DMs and swipe left on Me to switch accounts." /via https://mobile.twitter.com/bhaggs/status/144846707925061632

Not the most discoverable gesture, but it's there, though it's only a little weirder than "swipe across tweet for secondary actions" (though on that topic I'll miss using that to quickly save links to Instapaper).

I doubt phone antennas are the bottleneck, they're a pretty minor part of a huge, lumbering voice-transmission infrastructure. Much of that infrastructure is presumably expensively, archaic, and built assuming that audio traveling through it is compressed all to heck.

You can stream tunes in real time over data with quality far in excess of what a high-def voice call would need. There's bandwidth to spare on the data side of things.

This is a meandering article. Marco Arment's response at http://www.marco.org/2011/10/27/high-definition-audio conveys the point much more clearly and succinctly.

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