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North Korea, China, Russia, and most Gulf and Central Asia countries.

Right, but house prices have moved much faster than earnings, and if house prices fall, people will lose the savings embedded in those houses.

And others might be able to buy a house for the first time. The issue with houses being the main form of families to acquire wealth is that newcomers to the market have it much much harder to enter participate in it as time goes on and house values increase.

So people losing some "paper" savings is a price to pay so other people can also own.

But in reality, when homeowners struggle and sell their homes is mostly large real-estate funds that buy them. So it's possible that homes losing their value means owners lose savings but newcomers still can't enter the home ownership virtuous cycle.

The principle paid down on those repayment mortgage came from homeowner income and was diverted away from other savings and investments.

Punishing millions of people who just sought housing security because, for reasons beyond their control, the Fed decided to cut rates after the GFC and keep them low for 15 years is just not tenable.

Fortunately, in the UK at least, it looks like (nominal) house prices will remain stagnant until real earnings catch up with rates. A better all round solution.

The vast majority of the homeowners would not lose their principal. They would lose some of their paper profits.

At the sort of correction you're talking of you're talking about millions of people going in to negative equity.

In the US market this may be tolerable because you have full-term mortgages, so people can just stay put even if they're pushed in to negative equity.

In the UK it's death. Here mortgages typically last for 2-5 years. Homeowners would be pushed in to negative equity and be unable to remortgage.

Canada is similar to the UK. I don't see any way out other than productivity-driven growth and building more housing. Both seem extremely unlikely

> So it's possible that homes losing their value means owners lose savings but newcomers still can't enter the home ownership virtuous cycle.

if a house is cheap, but is still valuable (as new owners _want_ to buy because it's worth it while it's cheap), then this means it's a mis-pricing. And mis-pricing means that any investing entity will want to buy as well. In aggregate, this _should_ push the price back to the correct equilibrium.

Therefore, housing being expensive today is a reflection of how many people value it high. It might also indicate that the reason it was cheap before was a mispricing, and those who got in early was merely lucky.

I’d argue that there’s so many buyers waiting in the wings (not even counting hedge funds and Blackrock), that there’s an effective floor on home prices. 5% down swing will mean more buyers and in that kind of market a 20% drop just isn’t happening.

Same. This came amid a civil war in the Scala community, too.

what do you think a hoodie with a corporate logo is?

Free clothing

This is a good point. Nobody wears uniforms that are just given to them

downvote if you suffer from cognitive dissonance :)

To those unfamiliar with Noah Smith, he is a leftist and very, very blue.

Noah is only a leftist if anyone to the left of Attila the Hun is a leftist. Noah is very much a neoliberal.

Leftist simply means someone on the left side of the political spectrum, despite attempts to gatekeep the term as something more specific.

adding to this:

From the wikipeida: Smith has appeared on the Neoliberal Project's podcast multiple times[21] and was labeled the "Chief Neoliberal Shill" by the group in 201

And to be completely clear, noeliberalism and leftism are NOT one and the same. Leftism is defined by a goal of communism or socialism. "Smith has expressed disagreements with socialism and communism". Calling Noah (Or Biden, Or most mainstream democrat politicians) leftist is totally incorrect and one of my pet peeves that online commenters tend to do.

> Leftism is defined by a goal of communism or socialism.

Not necessarily true, see: anarchism. There are certainly anarcho-communists, but not every anarchist is a communist.

"Leftism is defined by a goal of communism or socialism"—but that is just communism. No other ideology seeks communism as a goal, and socialism is just a stepping stone to communism, or at least that is what they taught me in my Soviet high school.

> or at least that is what they taught me in my Soviet high school.

You ever stop and think that the authoritarians may have been lying to you?

Lenin more or less defined "socialism" to mean that

Of course, that is how I knew the communists wrote those books.

> "Leftism is defined by a goal of communism or socialism"—but that is just communism. No other ideology seeks communism as a goal, and socialism is just a stepping stone to communism, or at least that is what they taught me in my Soviet high school.

Outside of communist thought (wherein socialism is a stage on the route to communism—and the only concrete stage to which there is a roadmap in most communist thought, though different schools of communism have different maps), socialism is a thing sought in its own right by socialists who are not communists.

Obviously, its unsurprising that a Soviet high school would only teach the dogma of the particular brand of communism then currently held to be orthodox in the USSR, but that's a rather limited view.

Yeah, imo communism is a subset of leftism, which includes other ideas all of which are defined by a general opposition to global free market capitalism.

I'm sure there's better definitions too, but neoliberals are not a leftist in any of them.

But you defined leftism as a subset of communism. Not the other way around

I've tried to describe it as a general opposition to current laissez-faire capitalism, if it came out differently I'm sorry

It could come from the misunderstanding that Communism is the only alternative to global capitalism, which isn't the case.

This is awesome. Now, what mac soft do I want to run on Linux? I am neither a gamer nor a designer

I'm a 30 year linux veteran and windows free for over 22. I di d have a windows vm for some time because I have some music stuff that doesn't work with linux, like a nord keyboard and some guitar stuff.

But i burnt the vm with fire when I found https://github.com/foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM

It didn't work for me for the macOS version I tried (not the latest one). Probably because the installer is not available from Applr's servers anymore.

Doubt it will continue to work once Apple completely stops supporting Intel.

xcodebuild CLI to compile iOS apps without a Mac. Seems possible in theory, although there's an ongoing issue some are seeing apparently: https://github.com/darlinghq/darling/issues/488

Safari for testing

The real thing is better, but you can probably get most of the way with any WebKit browser native to Linux.

Really depends on what you are testing. Media format support is going to differ.

Dont worry, gaming on mac is not a thing so that’s out of the question anyway - apple products are too low spec for it.

There is some gui software that would be nice to run on linux, but none mase by apple.

There's been some recent big budget games compiled for Apple Silicon; Lies of P and Baldur's Gate 3 come to mind. Of course, that's just a tiny fraction of big budget games and I haven't actually played any of them to know how good the experience is.

I've been playing BG3 on an m1 Mac mini and it's surprisingly good. I haven't bothered loading it on my big-GPU gaming PC to compare, but that alone says something.

(I'm in no way a serious gamer, so there may be plenty of things I overlook)

It's nice when it works, but papercuts still degrade the experience. The M-series chips are really impressive when they get a chance to stretch their legs. It feels like we're still in the chicken-and-egg phase though. I don't foresee that changing unless Apple dumps a ton of money to incentivize publishers to port to Mac, or they do what Valve did and make their own equivalent of Proton - aimed at developers. The licensing on GPTK kinda kills that though.

I would natively expect those to mostly have Windows versions that work with WINE already.

Edit: Oh, it might be better if you want an ARM native binary.

Somehow I knew this was about thinkpad b4 opening the article

Hard to see many advertisers on that platform. Also, dissatisfied users stated on twitter after Musk bought it.

"By way of example, its fascinating the LGBT+ community is so tightly allied with radical Islamic voices against the LGBT+ friendly country of Israel. Its fascinating because of network effects that drive this apparent alliance, whereby a group likely to be outlawed (or worse) identifies with its avowed oppressors." - Interesting. I never considered network effects role in this "strange bedfellows" phenomenon, thinking this was primarily due to intersectionality i.e. all the "oppressed" unite against all the "oppressors."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Held in contempt of the senate

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