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The loading and pseudo-solidification can cause residual internal stresses that change the dynamic response so that a small signal input gets a big change as a result.

I'd imagine that the exact values are not monitored, so that what is written as "in the hold" and what is actually there are subject to natural variation, which can be asymmetric, and thus theory and practice are not the same thing.

If seawater gets into the mix, it will have more water.

There are thermal phase changes in the liquefication. It can behave very differently at 10 deg C warmer than one expects from 0 deg C warmer.

Over a relatively long trip, with agitation, the mean particle size is going to change. Big particles are going to break into smaller particles. This is going to change the liquefication physics.

Most of the time, when spoken by those in power, it is a lie, and it really means "I'm trying to be deceptive".

Most of the time, when requested by those with vulnerability, it is the gateway to critical, but potentially highly dangerous information, and a request for protection.

That's exactly the kind of attitude that gets a person in trouble. I hope you find some shades of grey in your views. Bad people exist in all stripes of life and in all communities.

I think the "one company" media in the US has lost authoritativity and credibility with anyone who thinks.

The media makes its money by keeping sheep as sheep, and leading them to the shearers or the slaughter. If it taught critical thought then someone who knows what a free market is would strongly oppose the single-source for news, and that monopoly would end. They would not make as much money with paid workers as they do with slaves - intellectually and cognitively speaking. Junk journalism would get junk revenue, not top billing.

> the "one company" media in the US has lost authoritativity and credibility with anyone who thinks

I think quite a bit, and I greatly value many publications. The NYT in particular is an independent company, and so is not part of any 'one company' news media. That said, I do wish there was more diversity in ownership; in particular, I wish there were serious publications that served an audience besides the intellectual middle-upper class.

This shows an externality - that "Recycling" was really just a sham. Actual recycling has a cost overhead.

I think this is a good thing. I think it will drive to actual recycling that does actual good, instead of, as China realistically called it "moving trash".

> I think it will drive to actual recycling that does actual good

I'm not so sure, at least in the US. Politicians almost always follow the path of least resistance when dealing with problems (our current system encourages it), and the shortest, least resistant path to making this problem disappear is to pay some other country to take it and do what they want with it (burn it, bury it, etc).

> is to pay some other country to take it

They tried that though. There's currently no "other country" willing to take it. That was Plan A, and it failed, it seems that Plan B is to just let it build up, but that won't last forever either.

> There's currently no "other country" willing to take it.

They just aren't offering them enough money.

Why not just use that same money to invest in proper disposal techniques?

Because it's likely cheaper, faster, and easier than investing in proper disposal techniques.

Right—why would you prioritize short term returns over self sufficiency? Seems like you’re just fucking your kids over.

Because there's absolutely no accountability for politicians that make terrible long-term decisions when in office. It's all about the short term gains for re-election.

The Chinese got something amazing out of the junk they bought from the F-117 shot down in Bosnia. This has to be something at least a little like when the U2 went down in USSR. Whatever they got, and reverse engineered, and are putting into their F-35 knock-offs, it has "us" worried, and we have to have tried-and-true countermeasures in place for when China uses those against our assets, or our allies in the next few years.

Politics and "sealed fates" are strange bedfellows.

Venkatraman Santanam.

Made deep learning improve thumbnail representation. Facebook (or google) showed up, gave him a 6 to 8 zeros to the left of the decimal, preceded at the far left by a $ and O(1).


Do not judge their actions by their stated intentions. Assume that their actions satisfy their motives perfectly, and look for the set of motives that predicts the

If you do that, of course they do belong in schools, and they will stay in schools, because the US is a post-privacy state, and is staging itself to be as authoritarian as the Chinese "social credit" system.

What universe are you living in that you think modern American children want to learn? They don't. They didn't want to learn 40 years ago, or any year since. They don't look at public schools as refuge, or as empowerment. They look at it as a requirement, and sometimes a bit like being in jail for 8-14 hours a day.

> What universe are you living in that you think modern American children want to learn? They don't.

That's sad. You should spend time with some different kids. The ones I spend time with have an insatiable appetite for learning new things. Each student is passionate about something different, of course.

> They don't look at public schools as refuge, or as empowerment.

That seems mostly orthogonal to the question of whether they want to learn and whether they realize that learning can be empowering.

> What universe are you living in that you think modern American children want to learn? They don't.


I know when I worked around the US (mostly midwest) at a different school a week, there were always some kids who wanted to learn.

There were always some that didn't.

However, they may not have wanted to learn every single thing that the school taught, but they did want to learn about stuff that could be applied to a future career.

Don't blame it on the kids - blame it on the schools and the culture.

Kids don't change, but schools and culture can. Look at other parts of the world (and particularly progressive places in the US) for evidence of this.

Thinking of schools as like jail is because schools are like jail.

That has nothing to do with whether kids want to learn or not.

As a Mechanical Engineer with solid math and physics background, using Machine Learning and Numeric Methods to substantially engage and improve product performance, I really feel like I won the lottery.


I handicapped myself by going into CS instead of graduating some hard engineering degree (or biology). See also matte_black's comment elsewhere in this discussion. Programming alone is a tool in search of problems to solve, and the interesting problems are elsewhere.

Are you free to say where you work?

Scar tissue. It was something essential to stop loss of life at one time, but now it only consumes. This is a federal and academia problem: if you use less money this year, your budget is cut next year, so whether or not you need it every department finds a way to spend every single penny.

Needs of the organism change. It isn't like "slight" it is day and night. It is the nymph-been in the honeycomb-cell versus the working worker-bee. But fear wins. What if we still need the old.

And the paradigm of successful business is "don't break the goose that lays the golden egg, so change is very very bad".

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