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Most of the time, when spoken by those in power, it is a lie, and it really means "I'm trying to be deceptive".

Most of the time, when requested by those with vulnerability, it is the gateway to critical, but potentially highly dangerous information, and a request for protection.

That's exactly the kind of attitude that gets a person in trouble. I hope you find some shades of grey in your views. Bad people exist in all stripes of life and in all communities.

I think the "one company" media in the US has lost authoritativity and credibility with anyone who thinks.

The media makes its money by keeping sheep as sheep, and leading them to the shearers or the slaughter. If it taught critical thought then someone who knows what a free market is would strongly oppose the single-source for news, and that monopoly would end. They would not make as much money with paid workers as they do with slaves - intellectually and cognitively speaking. Junk journalism would get junk revenue, not top billing.

> the "one company" media in the US has lost authoritativity and credibility with anyone who thinks

I think quite a bit, and I greatly value many publications. The NYT in particular is an independent company, and so is not part of any 'one company' news media. That said, I do wish there was more diversity in ownership; in particular, I wish there were serious publications that served an audience besides the intellectual middle-upper class.

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