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The reason for the injunction is that the judge agree that the patent is valid (prior art examples are invalid).

Apple's own App Store twitter account promoted it. I am guessing bugs are due to it being v1.0.

Microsoft's failures extend way far beyond the Zune: http://obamapacman.com/2012/06/microsoft-tablet-pc-mobile-de...

Every company has failures and successes. For every a zune there is also xbox, Kinect and PC periferals. For iPad there are Apple TVs and Newtons, etc. What's the point?

Xbox is a failure by almost every financial metric. Microsoft is not anywhere near recouping the initial costs. The entertainment/devices division is rarely profitable and last quarter lost over $200 million.

And yet the Xbox still hasn't recouped it's losses total.

A few profitable quarters does not make up for years of losses. Here are some charts for you to make it painfully clear which divisions are profitable and keep MS running:



You are assuming that the brand are business are done. At the end of all the investment Microsoft has a great consumer brand name and a beachhead in living room. What is that worth to you? To call it a loss, what makes you assume that the business will at best run at break-even and won't make any profits, or Microsoft won't be able to leverage the existing xbox brand to sell additional Services/products?

I am not assuming anything, I simply presented some facts.

My opinion is MS has squandered both the smart phone market lead they had nearly 10 years ago and the TV space as the XBox would have been an obvious Apple TV/ Google TV type platform.

Whether MS can dig themselves out of the hole remains to be seen, at this point I have little faith, but as along time MS proponent now converted to Apple, I would still like to see them succeed, but I do think that will require a leadership change.

Apple iPhone has supported MDM for years: http://www.apple.com/iphone/business/integration/mdm/

This should be the top comment on this article.

S.Korea bans phones that do not support MDM. iPhone supports MDM. Therefore iPhone is banned anyway.

But I don't think the military would be entrust there security on the Apple Push notification service. Also any military would always be skeptical unless they have access to the whole source code.

GPS is not accurate in doors. So companies are trying to use wifi stations to triangulate (but what if they moved the wifi stations?)

But isn't Google's motto open and free?

Since when?

Besides, it is still open and free.. to end users. You're only affected by the pricing changes if you utilize their API's as a developer.

1. That's not normal. I've used magazine apps on iPad 1 to iPad 3 and I haven't seen one that "forgets" who I am. 2. Magazines can pre-download on iPad. It's been that way for awhile. 3. Agree. Many of those involved don't understand the new medium. 4. Agree. It's the problem of the publishing / content industry.

2. Should be, and the Newsstand settings are enabled for it. But mine doesn't. 1. I used to do the restore method of updates. The ota updates don't forget. But ths last I did a restore and it forgot again.

It seems iOS/iTunes does not back up the keychain if you don't encrypt your backups via the iTunes setting.

Apple is already buying quite a lot of fuel cells AND solar panels for its datacenters.

The problem is that New York Times and certain big media sites were recently caught copying / rewriting blogger posts without linking or crediting the source.

Perhaps two odd symbols will solve the problem.

The problem is, Apple made the unfinished parc products usable, and invented drag and drop. Here from page 4 of an article:


What's that, Apple-Guy? A website billing itself as "Apple iPhone, iPad 2, iPod News, Celebrity Mac Users, and More" claims that Apple did all the real, important work? Wow!

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