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And yet the Xbox still hasn't recouped it's losses total.

A few profitable quarters does not make up for years of losses. Here are some charts for you to make it painfully clear which divisions are profitable and keep MS running:



You are assuming that the brand are business are done. At the end of all the investment Microsoft has a great consumer brand name and a beachhead in living room. What is that worth to you? To call it a loss, what makes you assume that the business will at best run at break-even and won't make any profits, or Microsoft won't be able to leverage the existing xbox brand to sell additional Services/products?

I am not assuming anything, I simply presented some facts.

My opinion is MS has squandered both the smart phone market lead they had nearly 10 years ago and the TV space as the XBox would have been an obvious Apple TV/ Google TV type platform.

Whether MS can dig themselves out of the hole remains to be seen, at this point I have little faith, but as along time MS proponent now converted to Apple, I would still like to see them succeed, but I do think that will require a leadership change.

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