Re: the Akka.Net stuff, there is indeed an implementation of an Actor model framework - Orleans. Now it was developed in house at Microsoft and hasn't gotten a lot of attention from developers other than Microsoft employees, but it's there.
What boilerplate is that? Grain state interfaces are better now, and the Roslyn-based runtime code generator ( is so close to being merged (so you don't have to include anything in your .csproj, even though that's automatic with the NuGet packages).
Interesting how we're happy to talk about companies in a Positive light that do good things, but don't want to name names when it comes to the shit-holes we've ejected ourselves from.
Is that really interesting? I would be surprised if people were more eager to make enemies and potentially make themselves look petty than to make friends.
We expect freedom and transparency in all aspects across the world irrespective of personal/social costs associated with it. Isn't it? So why exception in this case? Just because it is unwritten and some sort of convention inducing hypothetical fear? Won't it help future employees from joining such toxic work places? Just a view point.
Speaking as a privileged cis straight white male under 40 here, can we at least as a community agree to roast assholes who sexually harass our female compatriots alive? If I ever caught someone I know pulling shit like that, I would make it my personal mission to wreck their reputation and end their career. I realize that's not going to level the playing field completely, but I cannot believe stories like this still come out in 2014.
Vigilanteism is not the right answer. It turns this problem that happens in the real world to real people into a weapon to be used for dishonest ends by people who know a mere accusation is as good as a conviction.
We all want to live in a world where people are treated professionally.
So, please just step into that world. Expect others to do so as well. Hold those that behave abhorrently to account by all means, but take the high road.
i'm incredibly reluctant to post in threads like this, but I think this attitude is actually hurting diversity in the industry: excessive "chivalry" by males gives more of an illusion of preferential treatment when women stand up to discrimination, which is just more fuel for the gender war fire. women need our support, not our defense. it's fine to be outraged, but your response should not be to go on the offensive.
You are directly responsible for yourself and anyone you employ. You have some responsibility for the actions of those you do business with insomuch as you can stop doing business with them. Lets start here.
Maybe. But from my perspective when people are actively destroying communities, companies, or other groups I’m a member of, I tend to take action. And I’d be very disinclined to just skip on action because it could be seen as defending a woman.
However it should be said that so many of these things are dependent on the people involved. I’ve never been accused of/(praised for) acting chivalrous in nearly 40 years on the planet. I suspect I can get away with things that people who open car doors can’t.
However I bet those people have plenty of tools at their disposal to make it clear that they aren’t defending anyone - but rather attacking poor behavior. I say they should act and use those tools, rather than not acting.
There was also a talk on this from Mike Action (Engine Director at Insomniac) at GDC this year. He echoed the same sentiment that cache misses are the main source of performance problems in software. I only partially agree, as network calls are several orders of magnitude slower, and in many services that's actually your bottle neck, not the cache misses.
>I remember I mentioned this to an associate one time. He asked me if I had done this with him. I answered yes. He challenged me to prove it. I went down a list of his cognitive biases, how they fed into his decision making process, and how this created a pattern of where I could even start inventorying what I thought he had in his apartment (I'd never been to his apartment). I missed the color of his couch, but guessed correctly where he bought his furniture, what kind of car he drove and was likely to buy and why, what TV shows he watched, what music he listened to (and had listened to in the past), the clothes he did and didn't have in his closet, what kind of food he liked and where he liked to shop, I picked his neighborhood, choice of home computer, where he wanted to retire and even a handful of books he probably had in his home library. I think it hurt him, or his sense of individuality, to be deconstructed like that. It was the last time I ever did this to another person. On the flip side, he tries to mix his life up, make random vectors in his life now and not be so predictable. But I know also that he does it because of what I did. It's just another behavior to slot into his patterns.