Maybe. But we could have a constitutional direct democracy (to provent the policies which would make us unhappy), in addition to having smaller countries. In the UK, for example, making the counties into states like in the USA, but with direct democracy and rather than having a centeralised government for the whole country have a EU-like meeting as though they were seperate countries. It's a merky idea, but that's what I'm currently in favor for. We should be able to call a referendum to get rid of certain laws but maybe the government should continue to create the laws as means of reducing idiocracy (like in Switzerland, but even that has dumb laws being passed sometimes, but it by far has more personal freedom than in UK/USA in my opinion).
I hope that makes sense, I'm not good with english.
We need more apolitical city managers getting things done and fewer Henry VIII's playing figurehead and having mercurial power to chop heads on a whim (ie JSOC).