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Ah yeah I meant that, I don't usually make typos so I'm not sure how that happened :-)

Maybe make it say "of xyz projects on github, foo% use " then a colon or an ellipse. Just a little suggestion rather than putting the first item in the dependency list and "etc".

Nice project! So far some things that would improve it (for me personally):

* show a shadow under the card when dragging that snaps to the list, this means I can accurately see where the card is dropped because sometimes it doesn't go where I want it.

* making a list would be nicer if it didn't have to refresh the page

* also there are some glitches with moving the cards where it indents them or overlaps them, it's hard to explain (I appreciate that this is beta though so you are probably aware of this)

But that's my 2 pence, I'll definitely consider using this once it's more polished on my server :)

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