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Show HN: See what other NPM packages everyone else is using (npmdiscover.com)
67 points by temple3188 on Feb 28, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

This is fantastic all around. The visual design is perfect, it's fast, and within a minute of using it I discovered some new libraries which might be useful for my projects. It reminds me a bit of using Google search when it first launched and was less cluttered.

The clear layout makes it easy enough to mentally filter out common packages which appear in every search result, like gulp and grunt, but it might be a nice bonus to highlight packages that are "most uniquely" associated with the search term and not used by everyone else, or to cluster tools which are alternatives to each other together (e.g. putting gulp and grunt side by side on the same line).

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah I noticed it would be useful to cluster related packages together, that was the thinking behind introducing the filters to the right-hand side e.g. framework, test etc. When you click them it will toggle the view.

I was hoping I could rely on the keywords associated with the package to cluster them, though as it turns there's not a lot of love for the keywords section, meaning clustering them would take manual effort. Doing it myself isn't feasible and I though about creating the means for users to contribute the info, just wanted to wait for demand for it first :).


It would be great if the URL reflected the search results. I used your suggested "express" search but after getting the results the URL remains http://www.npmdiscover.com That makes sharing results with someone else or bookmarking fairly awkward.

That being said, kudos for providing a resource that helps wade through all the npm packages out there!

Yeah this is definitely the next thing to be done, a number of people have been asking for it so hopefully it'll live in the next few days.

Thanks :)

Also: When searching for packages, I recommend http://npmsearch.com. It scores search results by popularity, which usually correlates with quality and maturity.

This is a nice concept. When I start using a new library or framework I very often want to know what the best practices are. Seeing what else I "should" use is a step towards that.

You should filter out devDependencies. Everywhere I look I just see browserify, webpack, babel.

You're right, at the moment I treat both dependencies and devDependencies the same, it made sense just to get an idea of what people were using, though a nice feature would be to differentiate between them. Thanks!

I bet a surprising amount of people have all of those as a regular dependency.

Maybe make it say "of xyz projects on github, foo% use " then a colon or an ellipse. Just a little suggestion rather than putting the first item in the dependency list and "etc".

You should have a list of top packages so we can easily test out the site.

On a related note. It would be nice if there was a https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/ for AngularJS and NPM.

Yeah I did think about this, however after looking at https://www.npmjs.com/ I felt their 'packages people npm install a lot' kind of satisfied that criteria.

I could put something along the lines of 'Top 10 most discovered packages' based on data from the site :)

I must say that I really like the uncluttered homepage the way it is!

Yes. Something like that would be very useful.

I'm working on one and expect to be done around May. Just wondering, what kind of features do you want most?

Need to know what is the most popular package by category. Either by downloads or by github stars. Good luck with your project. I hope to use it.

what npm packages compete with each other would be nice.

It would be interesting(not saying useful, just interesting) to have something that was similar to TF-IDF for code.

That would argue that everyone uses Express actually makes express not that meaningful.

Of course that would assume that the concept of meaningfulness in text could transfer easily to meaningfulness in a software project, even though that is an area where I have never heard the concept broached.

Interesting. Given how much the Js scene changes from month to month it would be useful to track this over time.

Maybe I'm doing this wrong but I don't think react-native is a dependency of moment

Where does it say that?

I searched react-native and moment came up as one of the results: http://i.imgur.com/Ceq04hr.png

That just means that from all the projects on GitHub that use react-native, 10% of them also use moment.

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