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1. The Math of FOMO (neil.gg)
1 point by guptaneil on Jan 13, 2023 | past
2. The UX of the Matrix (uxdesign.cc)
2 points by guptaneil on Aug 25, 2021 | past
3. Building an iCal Subscription (neil.gg)
1 point by guptaneil on Oct 11, 2020 | past
4. Facebook left 6,500 gallons of drilling fluid off the coast of Oregon (theverge.com)
56 points by guptaneil on Aug 17, 2020 | past | 16 comments
5. DIY Video Streaming (metamorphium.com)
1 point by guptaneil on July 20, 2020 | past
6. [flagged] American Passports Are Worthless Now (Map) (medium.com/indica)
23 points by guptaneil on July 12, 2020 | past | 15 comments
7. Show HN: Easy to understand, visual explanations of the latest Covid-19 research
1 point by guptaneil on May 11, 2020 | past | 1 comment
8. How the Privacy-Friendly DP-3T Contact Tracing Algorithm Works to Stop Covid-19 (kottke.org)
4 points by guptaneil on April 11, 2020 | past
9. My Dream Tool for Remote 1:1 Meetings (metamorphium.com)
2 points by guptaneil on April 7, 2020 | past
10. Keeping Your Culture While Remote (metamorphium.com)
1 point by guptaneil on March 20, 2020 | past
11. A simple, self-hosted timeline of your life (github.com/neilgupta)
1 point by guptaneil on March 13, 2020 | past
12. The CEO Lifecycle (hbr.org)
22 points by guptaneil on Oct 27, 2019 | past | 3 comments
13. U.S. considers ending rule allowing spouses of H-1B visa holders to work (nbcnews.com)
11 points by guptaneil on Dec 15, 2017 | past | 2 comments
14. 'Buy Bitcoin with credit card' is on the rise on Google and sparking bubble fear (cnbc.com)
3 points by guptaneil on Nov 28, 2017 | past
15. Amazon Launches Echo Look (amazon.com)
1 point by guptaneil on April 27, 2017 | past
16. Is your software wearing too much makeup? (useronboard.com)
2 points by guptaneil on Jan 29, 2017 | past
17. The Decentralized Web Is Coming (metamorphium.com)
15 points by guptaneil on Oct 17, 2016 | past | 3 comments
18. Taking Inventory of Docker's Black Box (metamorphium.com)
2 points by guptaneil on Sept 5, 2016 | past
19. Are Coding Bootcamps Only for the Rich? (techcrunch.com)
2 points by guptaneil on Aug 7, 2016 | past
20. Starcraft: Ghost: What Went Wrong (polygon.com)
2 points by guptaneil on July 6, 2016 | past
21. The Four Stages of Software Engineering (metamorphium.com)
1 point by guptaneil on May 16, 2016 | past
22. SleepBus – nightly trips between SF and LA (sleepbus.co)
2 points by guptaneil on April 23, 2016 | past | 1 comment
23. China’s Nightmarish Citizen Scores Are a Warning for Americans (aclu.org)
11 points by guptaneil on Oct 8, 2015 | past | 1 comment
24. MebiPenny Coding Challenge with $75k in Prizes (Chicago/Salt Lake City) (mebipenny.com)
1 point by guptaneil on Sept 8, 2015 | past
25. Apple Watch 4G will replace the iPhone (metamorphium.com)
1 point by guptaneil on July 7, 2015 | past
26. Show HN: Exceptionally – better Rails exception handling (github.com/neilgupta)
1 point by guptaneil on June 12, 2015 | past
27. iOS 9 Content Blockers are for more than just Ad Blocking (metamorphium.com)
1 point by guptaneil on June 12, 2015 | past
28. Git Large File Storage by GitHub (git-lfs.github.com)
2 points by guptaneil on April 9, 2015 | past
29. The News App – Hacker News + Designer News on iOS (itunes.apple.com)
1 point by guptaneil on June 12, 2014 | past
30. Microsoft – Escape from XP Easter Egg (modern.ie)
3 points by guptaneil on May 29, 2014 | past | 3 comments

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