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So we're not supposed to be afraid of Ebola anymore?

Or will the new vaccine conveniently save a Western country from a sudden, mysterious outbreak of Ebola?

The new Ebola vaccine is produced by Merck, and.. Oh look! Former CDC Director Now President of Merck's Vaccine Unit:


>> In the summer of 2011, Merck president Julie Gerberding said in a news interview1 that she's "very bullish on vaccines," as she recounted the various ways she helps Merck sell its products. What she didn't divulge was her motivation for leaving her job as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—an agency charged with overseeing vaccines and drug companies—and join Merck in the first place, back in January 2010.*

I'm sure that's completely unrelated. Nothing to see here, peon, move along!


It gets even "better":

>> The CDC disseminated extremely exaggerated data on the 2009 H1N1 "pandemic" and urged almost everyone in the U.S. to take the new, untested vaccines. When questions arose, they blocked CBS's requests for samples of the swine flu cases and added obstacles to getting information. Despite the many dangers that have since been linked to the hastily developed vaccine—including the confirmed link to narcolepsy—the H1N1 vaccine is now part and parcel of the "regular" seasonal flu vaccine, although most people are completely unaware of this fact. And the CDC is now, for the first time ever, urging the seasonal flu vaccine on everyone in the country, from six months' of age until death.

>> Even more disturbing, the CDC withheld data on miscarriages from the H1N1 vaccines under Gerberding's lead, while insisting that pregnant women be put first in line to receive it.

But you've been told that "anti-vaxxers" are a bunch of conspiracy loonies, so you should just keep laughing and sneering at them, yes?

Well, Pandemrix was never used in US.

The mechanism of narcolepsy was quite interesting. Note that it was linked to surface proteins of the virus itself:


The fact that GSK vaccine managed to replicate exactly those surface proteins exactly that way (I guess better than the virus itself?) was quite unlucky. Maybe that could have been caught in more extensive clinical trials (I don't know).

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