With radios it has been that moving for tubes to transistors to ICs has upped the minimum tools needed to get anything done.
With cars emission laws and such had introduced something similar via computerized injection etc.
But with computers etc the complexity was there for the start, but the tinker hostility has, IMO, come from a change in business from selling hardware to the hardware being a terminal for "content". Thus the tinkering hostility comes from propping up DRM under the guise of "security".
With radios it has been that moving for tubes to transistors to ICs has upped the minimum tools needed to get anything done.
With cars emission laws and such had introduced something similar via computerized injection etc.
But with computers etc the complexity was there for the start, but the tinker hostility has, IMO, come from a change in business from selling hardware to the hardware being a terminal for "content". Thus the tinkering hostility comes from propping up DRM under the guise of "security".