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I imagine this is why organizations like these exist



Microloans and micro donations really improve lives in the 3rd world.

The articles you cite doesn't really disprove my comment.

> But what about the lending organizations on the ground—should they close up shop? Karlan says no. They're doing exactly what they promised to investors: making money and creating some good while they’re at it. For instance, the studies also found that, in Mexico, microcredit helped women pay off their debts.

Besides my main point is that yes things suck, but we can always find ways to either fix it or make it suck less and less over time. I'm not stuck on any particular solution.

It helps some, though to alleviate poverty, "micro-donations" would be a better choice.

Not many businesses succeed and if people who have nothing have to give back the money, they're pretty much fucked.

It's kinda like the credit situation in the west - most people are in debt to some bank.

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