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Feeding your (naturally carnivorous) dog or cat only plants is in my mind nothing short of animal abuse. Feel free to harbor whatever nutritional or moral beliefs you please, but when you force them on creatures with no voice of their own, you are suddenly less innocent. There is no way a dog or cat can get a complete diet from eating only plants.


meat supplements and plants fortified with meat?

> Feel free to harbor whatever nutritional or moral beliefs you please, but when you force them on creatures with no voice of their own, you are suddenly less innocent.

That's exactly the argument being made here for going vegan.

> That's exactly the argument being made here for going vegan.

And it works, if you ignore the field mice who wind up in the giant harvesting machines.

Do you think meat appears out of thin air? What do you think a farm animal (which at that point is a horribly inefficient energy converter) eats? Concern for field mice is a very good reason to go vegan.

> What do you think a farm animal (which at that point is a horribly inefficient energy converter) eats?

Pasture grazed cows eat grass, pigs can eat our food scraps, and chickens can be a great pest mitigant if allowed to graze fairly freely. You certainly don't have to get grain-fed animals from giant factory lots.

At the existing rate of consumption, you most certainly have to. At around 9 billion chicken, and 10 billion land animals in total raised and killed annually in the USA alone, the happy grazing cow, etc. is just a fantasy of an infinitesimally small number of people.

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